The Actor Spotlight: Val Kilmer

Travis McClain

Bats: R, Throws: R. How Acquired: Traded for a player to be named later. I hold a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Louisville, earned in history. I have lived with Crohn's disease since 2005, and chronic depression since my youth. I bring into each film that I view a world view shaped by those and other parts of my background. I try to be mindful of the socio-political themes and implications of movies, intended or otherwise, and that surely shows in my blog pieces. I also love doughnuts.

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7 Responses

  1. David Greenwood says:

    Val Kilmer is a superb comedic actor.  Top Secret! is one of my favorite films of all time, due in no small part to Kilmer’s pitch-perfect performance.  And he sings and dances the whole time!

  2. Researcher75 says:

    wonderful insight my view of val kilmer is certainly far more complex due to this, thank you travis…

  3. Bowser says:

    Great Post Travis, Val Kilmer seems like a really interesting actor to me. I love it when he’s in a movie because it’s a good bet that the movie isn’t going to be boring.

    • Thanks! I agree; Kilmer’s selection of material is usually an indication that the film at least has some appeal. Obviously, the movie he thinks he’s going to make and the movie that’s ultimately released may not be the same thing so I can’t fault him for the clunkers.

  4. Thanks for reading! I’m terribly sorry it took me seven months to see your comment. Stupid Disqus!

  5. Thank you for reading, David! My apologies for taking seven months to see your comment. I still haven’t seen Top Secret! but I definitely concur that Kilmer has killer comedic chops!