Batman Forever vs. Batman Begins



Batman Begins is maybe the best Batman movie, waaaay better than Dark Knight. And although Batman forever is good, Batman Begins wins.

Well, I have to disagree with you on your assessment of Begins over TDK, but while Batman Forever is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, both of Nolan's Batman films are light years ahead of the films that came before them.

Um, what are we even debating here? This one's not even close. These films are both about Batman, but they really can't even be considered part of the same franchise. I agree with MateoU2, Batman Begins is probably the best incarnation of the Batman universe, although I'm also partial to Adam West and the ridiculously fun 1960s television series.

Batman Forever is a cinematic paradox because it is both a joke and unfunny. It's a suicidal clown.

Batman Begins is almost as bad as Batman and Robin. The camera was constantly shaking and I felt like the action scenes were lacking. It was a ninja film. Not a Batman film. TDK redeemed all the bad qualities from the first. Tim Burtons portrayal of gotham was just awesome. It felt really gothic and noir. The batmobile never looked like a tank and the characters were over the top. I gotts go with forever.

Forever isn't terrible overall, but it's nowhere near as good as Nolan's Reboot. Batman Begins.

Batman IS a ninja!

The trouble with The Dark Knight is that it feels more like a crime film with Batman characters in it. Nolan has stated that Heat was a major influence, so that makes it feel less like a Batman film. Batman Begins felt more like a comic-book film as it had a more fantastical plot - the microwave emitter - and can be compared to Burton's films. Batman Forever is a mixed bag. There's enough to enjoy, Carrey is quite good as a psychotic and is probably the best thing in it. Jones is not a good Two-Face, trying to compete with Carrey. The rest is the usual Hollywood fare.

Meh, I'll let my flickchart decide who wins on this one. I don't really care who wins. I think Forever is underrated and Begins is overrated, so I guess I’m rooting for Forever here. Forever gets a lot of shit, and mainly for one thing: the bat-nipples They're pointless, sure, but you don't hear me raging about them. 'Bat-nippes, boo, 1 star'. Come on now. The movie does have it's positives. Batman Forever gives us a backstory about Batman as to why Bruce wanted to become Batman. This is something the two Batman movies that preceded this one never analyzed at all. This is an aspect of Batman Forever that is always overlooked, which is a shame, because the flashback sequence is very well done. I also think the sets are fun to look at, even if they're sometimes lit in an over-the-top kind of way. I also liked Jim Carrey as the Riddler. Chris o’Donnell was fine as Robin, even though the character itself is pretty unnecessary. As for the negatives: Two-face is incredibly bland and Nicole Kidman was sometimes annoying. That’s pretty much it though. Is it a masterpiece? No. Is it the best Batman movie? No. But it’s still fun to watch. It’s not trying to be an all-out serious Batman movie (like Batman Begins or The Dark Knight) and that’s alright. Batman Begins has the same flaw as movies like Spider-Man and Captain America. The first half of the movie is spent entirely on the superhero origin story. Once the origin story is over and the second half starts, the movie just becomes (, to quote ‘Half in the bag’ here,) a series of things that happen. So the first half is pretty good, and the second half is just bad in my opinion. Rha’s Al Ghul sprays GAS all over the city. GAS. To terrify the city, because the city has become too corrupt. I’m sorry, that just sounds bad. This ‘break society so that it can be fixed’-plot has almost become a cliche. And the special effects used for the train and city look really fake. I don’t know, maybe I need to give it another shot. The Dark Knight is waaay better though.

Forever was good Begins is great!

Batman Begins by far

ooh. tough call. Batman forever is more fun, but batman begins is a better film in general. hmm.... I`m feeling fun today. I will go with forever

Hardly a contest. Batman Forever was the beginning of the end for the original Batman series, whereas Batman Begins was only the beginning of a masterful trilogy.

Batman Forever is so terrible

I agree with Chris9898 100%. No competition.

Both are now the equal of a fart in the wind.

Did you just say that BF and Begins are on the same level smh gtfo alt

batman forever is garbage, batman begins is overrated but good

"Begins" is so much better than "Forever". "Forever" had 2 very over-the-top, one-note villains. "Begins" had 2, maybe weakly-written, but reasonably formidable villains, both with arcs worth exploration. "Forever" had too much neon. "Begins" went with the themes of "fear" and "shrouded in darkness" with its production design. And I loved the Tumbler more than Armadillo Batmobile. "Batman Begins" is better than "Batman Forever".

6 votes for Batman Forever? How? Batman Begins wins, no contest

Both are great making this a hard decision.

Batman Begins for sure

for me Batman Forever wins because for me it is better than all the Batman films