Spider-Man: Homecoming vs. Deadpool



Honestly, Spider-Man is simply the better character. The Deapool movie has grown to become quite overrated.

Never really was a fan of Deadpool.


Deadpool was the better movie.

Deadpool had a stronger beginning, but Homecoming holding together better in the 3rd act gives ti the edge

I didn't love Deadpool but at least it's well made and has life to it unlike Spider-Man Crap-In-Coming. No Raimi, No McGuire means No Spider-Man.

Yeah neither are amazing. The MCU never really has any stakes. They can't even kill their villains. Deadpool had more heart and was a lot funnier.

Deadpool but not again with the nO mAgUiRe nO sPiDeRmAn

Homecoming by a hair, if only because it had a more charismatic villain

Deadpool is much better, Homecoming is a middling Spider-Man movie and a middling MCU entry