Actor Spotlight: Barbara Stanwyck

Jandy Hardesty

Jandy is especially drawn to classic, off-beat, and foreign film, but loves a good blockbuster action sequence, too. You can find her on Flickchart as faithx5. She also writes at The Frame, and co-hosts the occasional podcast Not at Odds at Row Three.

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4 Responses

  1. Ah, I love Barbara Stanwyck! She’s so classy, so fun and had so much spunk! It’s a TV show and she’s older in it, but I never get tired of watching her in The Big Valley. Christmas in Connecticut is also certainly a holiday favorite for me.

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      Yeah, I didn’t really get into her TV stuff much – she won an Emmy for The Big Valley, and was just as famous for that as for her movies when it was on. I’ve never watched it, but I’d like to, just to see her in it.

  2. Matt says:

    I was thinking about this recently while listening to a podcast about Double Indemnity. Barbara Stanwyck was one of those actresses who was beautiful, charismatic, entrancing, and all around outstanding. Many cinephiles still view her as one of Hollywood’s greatest actresses, and yet her resume stands as sort of underwhelming. She almost reminds me of Alida Valli in the sense that she had all the tools and exposure to be passed down as one of the greatest actresses ever, but for whatever reason she never found the actual success. Both will always be remembered for a couple of iconic roles.

    • Jandy Hardesty says:

      I think for whatever reason a lot of her films just aren’t as well-known as they should be. On the one hand, a lot of her films aren’t as great as she is, but in other cases, they’ve just not stuck in public consciousness that well, or they’re actually kind of weird in a way that doesn’t necessarily translate to casual film fans as well (like her Pre-Codes, or The Furies). A lot of her noirs are pretty great, but they don’t stand out from the pack, so only noir aficionados tend to see them. It’s an interesting conundrum why some movies/actors become legendary among non-cinephiles and others don’t. It often seems to have more to do with their off-screen activities than their on-screen talents, and Stanwyck seems to have kept her private life fairly private.