Orson Welles, King of the Cameo

David Conrad

David is the author of AKIRA KUROSAWA AND MODERN JAPAN. He has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Texas at Austin and loves period pieces, classics, and arthouse films. www.facebook.com/DavidConradAuthor/

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2 Responses

  1. Ben Shoemaker says:

    Orson Welles certainly had personality and presence on screen. I think it was his background in radio and stage that enabled him to create big characters in small roles. It’s a shame he didn’t make more films but I guess big personality can have its downsides as well.

  2. Jandy Hardesty says:

    I wondered if you’d include The Muppet Movie! I loved that cameo. I also quite enjoy his small part in Catch-22, even though I don’t care for that movie overall too much.