TCM FEST 2012: The Films of Faye Dunaway

Jonathan Hardesty

Jonathan wants to be a screenwriter when he grows up, which means massive debt and large stockpiles of ramen noodles. His interest in movies is first and foremost in the crafting of the story, with most of that technical mumbo-jumbo taking a back seat. Camera work? Pshh. Directing? Whatever. It's all about those words that get adapted to the screen! You can find this guy on Flickchart as movieguyjon, and you can also find him on his blog. Oh, yeah... there's a twitter account as well.

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2 Responses

  1. movieguyjon says:

    This kind of post makes me feel bad that I have such a limited amount of Dunaway films seen. Certainly limited my review of her performances some. That said, these were some entertaining films. Glad I was able to see these at the fest.