The 36th Chamber of Shaolin vs. Requiem for a Dream



This is a really interesting matchup. Many would dismiss this as a landslide victory for Requiem. However, I don't see it that way. I like the 36th Chamber.

The creative training scene gimmicks are all 36 has going for it. It's pretty unimpressive for an MA/Action film.

Also, I love both getting high and listening to Lux Aeterna.

"It's pretty unimpressive for an MA/Action film." Amen. Gimme a Chang Cheh movie.

"OneFuckTooMany 5 hours ago The creative training scene gimmicks are all 36 has going for it." But if the training & growth is essentially the meat/point of the film? Methinks you're both overcomplicating this one.

Nah. They might be the meat, but the training scenes are pretty boring, as well. I was SO hyped walking into 36th Chamber and I left it completely disappointed. I feel ashamed saying that, as a fan of martial arts cinema, but that movie and I just didn't vibe. But then again, and no disrespect to Lau Kar-leung, 'cause the man is a legend, but I've always dug the Golden Harvest stuff and Chang Cheh's stuff more. I get it, I respect him, and I occasionally LOVE the guy, but I'd rather watch Jackie's schtick or some Venom Mob.

Not at all. I didn’t say it was a bad film, just not a very good one. Middling in its entertainment value, satisfactory for what it is, but what it is is not a *kung fu* movie. Gordon Liu doesn’t exactly represent himself as a paragon of physical dexterity (any maladroit moron can punch-pause-punch, show me some sweet, sweet flash), so the film hardly deserves to be heralded as oneofthebestkungfufilmsofalltime!! Some of the romantic ideas of Shaolin traing methods are amusing and chucklesome. That’s about it.

NB I’m not necessarily calling Liu a fraud, but I’ve never seen him parade anything remotely complex.

Yes, flash! Something 36th Chamber lacks. And when your movie IS heralded as "oneofthebestkungfufilmsofalltime!!", I expect some.

tory: building up all those tremendous expectations is probably the problem. That can kill, really, really ace movies, and this is just a good SB movie with all the flaws that most other SB movies have. It's a mix of nostalgia and the fact it's so damn archetypal that causes some people to treat this like the holy grail. Anyway, the athleticism was never really the draw of these movies to me. Does it matter if Gordon Liu's sluggish or flashy? Well, maybe to some folks. I never saw the appeal of watching wrestling or sports either, other people's phsyical prowess just doesn't press any pleasure buttons in my brain. A lot of the most entertaining (in my eyes) martial arts movies have actors I could probably accidentally trip on a bad day.


So this week one dude on flickchart told me he doesn't like violence and another dude told me he doesn't like sports. These things are supposed to happen in threes, right? I'll now wait for a dude to wade over and tell me that pussy is overrated and the trifecta of wtfness will be complete. "Does it matter if Gordon Liu's sluggish or flashy? Well, maybe to some folks." I thing most folks that watch MA probably watch MA for the MA.

I'm just kinda ambivalent on sports, they can be fun but watching them is a bore. Is MA movies are about martial arts in the same sense Godzilla is about lizards. :p

*And MA. Coffee time.

"...MA movies are about martial arts in the same sense Godzilla is about lizards. :p" On the real though, MA movies are about MA in the same way strip clubs are about the titties and ass. I don't buy a lapdance for the conversation, but if Karamel Kynthia can come and kick it with me about seignorage, mercantilism and the liquidity trap, yeah, it's all love, baby. It's awwllll love.