The Fly vs. Return of the Fly



The Fly is a Sci-Fi masterpiece, and one of the best films of the 50s. Return on the other hand, can’t compare at all. But, I still think it’s a decent sequel. Sure it has its flaws (some of the dialogue can be really bad) but it also had a some good stuff in there. Andre’s son is a neat character, if not just a little to similar to his dad in the last movie. Some scenes had a nice chilling atmosphere to them, though some were straight up cheesy and awkward. The plot is a nice deviation from the first, and the villain is good fun. Like I said it has many flaws, but also many decent things about it. Of course this can’t compare to a 10/10 movie, as The Fly is just a perfect movie. I love how unique it tells its story, as you think it might be a murder mystery, or a love drama, until the horror jumps in. And when this movie wants to build tension, of boy does it know how. Scenes had me fidgeting in my seat terrified of what my happen or has happened to these characters, who they really flesh out and let you get to know before all the drama comes in during the flashbacks. It’s also one of the few horror movies to leave me in tears of sadness rather then fear. It’s seriously heartbreaking. Return is a fun but flawed and cheesy sequel, while the original is a masterclass in Sci-Fi horror.

The sequel is pretty good but the Original is a Classic.