The Changeling vs. The Conjuring



Wow! What a matchup! Both are haunted house films a cut above the normal p.o.s we see. It's tough, but I'll go for The Conjuring. It's probably because it's fresh in my mind, but the combination of a great score, child acting(usually terrible!), and visuals are why I choose The Conjuring. I also appreciate that Wan didn't go for the cheap scares e.g something in the bathroom mirror.

Yes two of the best Haunted House films from different eras! for Me Changeling wins George C Scott give a great performance and the way the camera shifts and tilits plus the lighting really gives the film an extra creep factor.

The Changeling is an excellent Canadian haunted house thriller; George C. Scott is great and its twist is really good. The Conjuring is kinda mediocre and dull, meh.

Good stuff, but I'm going with The Conjuring...

Both ghost movies that start with C and end with ING and feature a chair on the poster!!!