The French Connection (1971)

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The French Connection

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Directed By William Friedkin William Friedkin Starring Gene Hackman Gene Hackman  •  Fernando Rey Fernando Rey  •  Roy Scheider Roy Scheider  •  Tony Lo Bianco Tony Lo Bianco  •  Marcel Bozzuffi Marcel Bozzuffi Genres Action Thriller  •  Action  •  Based-on-20th-Century-Literature  •  Chase Movie  •  Crime Thriller  •  Crime  •  New Hollywood  •  Police Detective Film  •  Thriller Studios &
Academy Award Nominated  •  Academy Award Best Picture Winning  •  National Film Registry  •  AFI's 100 Years...100 Thrills  •  Academy Award Best Picture Nominated  •  They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?  •  1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die  •  AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies 10th Anniversary Edition  •  BAFTA Award for Best Film Nominated  •  Academy Award Best Cinematography Nominated  •  Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture Drama Winning  •  Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Winning  •  Time Out: New York's 100 Best Action Movies  •  1,000 Noir Films: They Shot Dark Pictures, Didn't They?
Release Info 1971-10-09T00:00:00Z October 9, 1971
Color  •  104 minutes R Rated R
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The French Connection vs. The Deer Hunter

The French Connection The Deer Hunter VS.

AlgorithmJMO said on 3/20/2024

"The Deer Hunter has two of the most intense scenes ever, with the Roulette scenes. But there’s..." more ►

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The French Connection vs. The Conversation

The French Connection The Conversation VS.

SLionsCricket said on 1/30/2016

""The French Connection" wins. Bloody badass film! The last hour left me struggling for breath! " more ►

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Comments (5)


julinona on 8/5/2013 Reply  · 

This movie has GREAT directing, it"s gritty, it has suspense, great cinematography, and great performances from the entire cast, especially from Gene Hackman. It also has the best chase sequence that I have ever seen in my life. It might just be the most realistic movie I have ever seen. But aside from that, there isn't a single moment of character development, depth or human emotion. This is a cinematic landmark for the positive things that I mentioned above, and for the fact that it revolutionized an entire genre: Buddy Cop Drama. I cautiously recommend this movie. An 8/10 for me.

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jakesnake21 on 5/23/2015 Reply  · 

so good that gta 4 put it in the game .

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The27Arsenal on 7/1/2014 Reply  · 

Great film, I can't think of an ending quite like this. Every cliche looks like it's going to be played out, until it isn't. Just awesome.

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JC13 on 2/3/2015 Reply  · 

Damn good film. The chase scene is amazing.

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Eagleskywalker87 on 6/6/2017 Reply  · 

Great directing, great acting and there are some great moments like the excellent chase scene. Unfortunately, the story is weak and I had no emotional connection or interest in the characters. Even New York is depicted in a way that it has more character than the actual characters that take centre stage!

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