Doctor Strange (2016)

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Doctor Strange

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The impossibilities are endless.

Directed By Scott Derrickson Scott Derrickson Starring Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Cumberbatch  •  Chiwetel Ejiofor Chiwetel Ejiofor  •  Tilda Swinton Tilda Swinton  •  Mads Mikkelsen Mads Mikkelsen  •  Rachel McAdams Rachel McAdams Genres Action  •  Adventure  •  Based-on-Comics  •  Fantasy Adventure  •  Fantasy  •  Sci-Fi Action  •  Science Fiction  •  Superhero Film  •  Witchcraft Studios &
Walt Disney Pictures  •  Marvel Comics  •  Academy Award Nominated  •  Marvel Cinematic Universe  •  89th Academy Awards Nominated
Release Info 2016-10-25T00:00:00Z October 25, 2016
Color  •  130 minutes PG13 Rated PG13
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness vs. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Doctor Strange VS.

MIMMO said on 3/10/2024

"the first film is better for those who in my opinion are incredible to say it was the worst of..." more ►

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Comments (9)


JC13 on 11/8/2016 Reply  · 

It was okay. Great visuals, but a lot of the humor fell flat and I never really cared for the story or characters all that much.

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Wade92 on 11/9/2016 Reply  · 

Marvel Studios has a real knack for having a great cast, excellent source material and fascinating characters and still only being able to make mediocre movies. It wasn't dreadful and had some good moments, but it just felt like the other assembly line movies the studio continues to put out.

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RussIsHere on 11/15/2016 Reply  · 

Great visuals but not without it's flaws. An overly rushed running time, Cumberbatch's questionable accent and wasting several members of the cast who deserved better keep this from being upper echelon. Solid effort though

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copulman on 5/29/2017 Reply  · 

I was actually disappointed with this movie. It was right on par with every other Marvel movie unfortunately. Wasted use of Cumberbatch and the end just felt cheap. If you were expecting a deeper superhero movie, this wasn't it.

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mcgrathta on 8/14/2017 Reply  · 

I agree. It's a crap superhero film.

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Eagleskywalker87 on 1/23/2018 Reply  · 

Cummerbatch is miscast, Steven was unlikeable, there’s too much exposition, there’s an overuse of CGI, the villain sucks and as soon as you introduce magic into any series it makes everything way too complicated for its own good! Also, yes it’s a new set of characters; but the arcs, story, structure and writing is the same so why bother? And with this one in particular, I just felt like I was going through the motions with everything. Almost like the writers thought to themselves "guys, we're just doing the same plot again with the exact clichés so why should we bother?"

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Crapbaskets123 on 9/9/2022 Reply  · 

I'll just try addressing some of this.
Steven isn't supposed to be likeable. That's kind of the point of his character. Exposition isn't a bad thing, and it's mostly told in brief instances. And the one time where there is a longer stretch of exposition, we're more or less distracted by the visuals to even notice, which is a good movie technique in handling exposition. I agree that the villains aren't the best.

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Eagleskywalker87 on 4/24/2018 Reply  · 

The worst Marvel movie. Only the Thor movies could compete with its incompetence!

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JimmyMcGill on 8/27/2022 Reply  · 

The names have changed and the powers are different, but it's more or less the same Marvel formula.

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