Castle in the Sky (1986)

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Castle in the Sky

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Wins 56%
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Directed By Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki Starring Keiko Yokozawa Keiko Yokozawa  •  Mayumi Tanaka Mayumi Tanaka  •  Kotoe Hatsui Kotoe Hatsui  •  Minori Terada Minori Terada  •  Ichirô Nagai Ichirô Nagai Genres Adventure  •  Animation  •  Anime  •  Family-Oriented Adventure  •  Family-Oriented Fantasy  •  Family  •  Fantasy Adventure  •  Fantasy  •  Foreign Language Film Studios &
Studio Ghibli  •  Time Out: New York's 100 Best Animated Movies
Other Titles Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta [Japan] Release Info 1986-08-02T00:00:00Z August 2, 1986
Color  •  124 minutes PG Rated PG
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Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro Castle in the Sky VS.

MIMMO said on Apr 17

"So I gave both of these films a 10 but Castle in the Sky wins because I like it much more" more ►

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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Castle in the Sky VS.

MIMMO said on 3/29/2024

"nausicaa is an ok movie instead Castle in the Sky for me is my best anime movie it is also my..." more ►

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Comments (10)


kanedryhurst25 on 1/12/2014 Reply  · 

This has to be one of the greatest achievements ever in animation. It's a perfect Anime film.

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kanedryhurst on 1/12/2014 Reply  · 

How dare the good people of Flickchart only let this film win 55 % of the time. It is full of action,comedy, great animation...

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ShinKotake on 3/27/2014 Reply  · 

My favorite movie of all time. I can't believe it only wins 55% of the time.

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joshua528491 on 6/21/2014 Reply  · 

I absolutely adore this film. The characters, story, the sense of adventure & fun and especially the animation and music are all fantastic in my opinion and create a wonderful experience of pure thrills. It's almost in my top ten favourite films of all time! My favourite Studio Ghibli film out of the ones I've seen so far.

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Arthouse on 9/23/2014 Reply  · 

My favorite of Miyazaki's

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AverageMovieBuff on 10/19/2014 Reply  · 

This is a film that is absolutely non-stop entertainment at it's finest and also has a great plot, great characters and a brilliant sense of intrigue, mystery and wonder. Not to mention its perfect soundtrack and visuals.( A trademark for Ghibli films.) I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a perfect animated film and phenomenal film, compared to some of the greatest live-action movies ever made. Incomparable to any other film, it leaves you paralysed by its beauty.

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joshua528491 on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

Castle in the Sky amazes me every time I watch it.

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AverageMovieBuff on 10/19/2014 Reply  · 

I would give this film a 10 out of 10

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JC13 on 10/8/2016 Reply  · 

A fun adventure film from Hayao Miyazaki, with stunning animation and a terrific score.

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hambone88 on 1/30/2018 Reply  · 

I loved how imaginative it was, and even though it’s the typical thing to do I was totally rooting for our two heroes.

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