Dune (2021)

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Directed By Denis Villeneuve Denis Villeneuve Starring Timothée Chalamet Timothée Chalamet  •  Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson  •  Stellan Skarsgård Stellan Skarsgård  •  Oscar Isaac Oscar Isaac  •  Josh Brolin Josh Brolin Genres Action  •  Adventure Drama  •  Adventure  •  Based-on-20th-Century-Literature  •  Drama  •  Ensemble Film  •  Sci-Fi Action  •  Science Fiction  •  Space Adventure Studios &
Golden Globe Nominated  •  Academy Award Nominated  •  Academy Award Best Picture Nominated  •  Legendary Pictures  •  Academy Award Best Cinematography Winning  •  BAFTA Award for Best Film Nominated  •  BAFTA Award for Best British Film Nominated  •  Academy Award Best Cinematography Nominated  •  Academy Award for Best Production Design Nominated  •  Academy Award for Best Production Design Winning
Other Titles Dune: Part One Release Info 2021-09-03T00:00:00Z September 3, 2021
Color  •  155 minutes NR Rated NR
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Comments (18)


Zebula77 on 9/16/2021 Reply  · 

Feckin' fantastic! 9/10

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MaximusSamus on 10/22/2021 Reply  · 

Very accurate and thoughtful adaptation of the original works. Still takes a good knowledge to understand some of the finer, glossed over details, but if you're a huge enough sci-fi fan, going in fresh isn't bad. I just had to explain a lot to a friend who was lost on some details.

The costuming, music, set design, worldbuilding and character development in this are fantastic. It's really beautiful to look at and fully engrossing in it's story. While taking on less of the story (to save for a sequel, smart!) it has room to breathe and weight in each action of the movie over its 1984 predecessor which is over-explanatory to the point of being convoluted. and feels nearly rushed even despite its runtime. Too much was going on. This adaptation is still dense, but comprehensible.

Very much looking forward to the sequel and the continued works with the IP in its HBO series.

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Talison on 10/23/2021 Reply  · 

Beautifully shot, well-acted, great art direction; but less than the sum of its parts. Interesting but never compelling. I had a hard time making a connection with any of the characters, and the actors who most interested in me were barely in the movie.

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JRM on 10/24/2021 Reply  · 


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TheFireRises on 10/25/2021 Reply  · 

Great film.

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noobpb17 on 10/30/2021 Reply  · 

liked it

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eaglesflyhigh on 10/31/2021 Reply  · 

Incredible adaptation! How Villeneuve took tricky concepts from the book and brought them to life (combat shields, Gom Jabbar scene, sandworms) was awesome! As well as ideas that other films have taken (chosen one, the Voice, a ruthless villain), but put such a unique spin to them! And how he made this visual spectacle while still being grounded with this cast of characters is just phenomenal!

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Andrew784 on 10/31/2021 Reply  · 

Maybe best movie of the year

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theblackyeti on 10/31/2021 Reply  · 

What an incredible adaptation. My only issue was having non of Yueh's backstory. He was just there.

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mrjedi on 11/8/2021 Reply  · 

Never read the book, but I played a ton of the RTS computer game back in the day and gained an appreciation of the original movie the more I watched it. There is some great actors acting in both of these. I think I appreciated this movie more seeing the original and being familiar with the plot and characters. I got the same feeling watching this as LOTR Fellowship. This will be better when the entire story is told. Villeneuve is becoming one of my fav directors. Also, visuals and score is amazing in IMAX.

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Eagleskywalker87 on 12/6/2021 Reply  · 

I had to do a lot of soul searching after watching this movie. Haven't read the book, watched the David Lynch movie and hated it so I have a bit of a blindspot when it comes to the source material. While watching Dune (2021), I thought it was pretty much perfect. However, it just ends abruptly without any character arcs or plot points being resolved. The moments that ends the film aren't satisfying in itself.

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ChrisFilm85 on 12/28/2021 Reply  · 

I agree with a lot of your points. I did find the ending a bit anti-climatic, but I still thought the film was incredible on the whole. I see the ending the same way I view the Fellowship of the Ring's ending, in that when Part 2 comes out it will feel more satisfying (although I know you don't enjoy FOTR). I thought the visuals and direction were stunning.

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Crapbaskets123 on 7/28/2022 Reply  · 

To be fair, it is only a Part 1. The second part will likely resolve everything.

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ChrisFilm85 on 1/2/2022 Reply  · 

Now we're into the new year, I can safely say that Dune was the best film of the year by far imo. I can understand not enjoying it, but I was swept up in the score, cinematography, visuals, sound effects and tone of the film. A truly amazing cinema expirence, and a very good 9/10.

I didn't see that many films outside of the big blockbusters, but here's my current top 3 of the year.

1. Dune
2. No Time to Die
3. No Way Home

All three of the films are very good and I could see myself rewatching them a lot in the new year. And No Way Home may even improve on a second watch, although I do strongly stand by my ranking under the top 2 films.

On to 2022!

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ChrisFilm85 on 3/7/2022 Reply  · 

I saw Belfast and The Mitchells vs the Machines and I think they are both better than NWH. NWH is good, but at this point its just very overrated and too reliant on fan service. It's a fun film, but there are definitely cracks in it.

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ear on 1/20/2022 Reply  · 

A masterful film that intrigued me all the way through. I can't wait to see the conclusion.

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Crapbaskets123 on 7/7/2022 Reply  · 

Dune is a technical masterpiece. It's edited perfectly, the cinematography is phenomenal, and the VFX are some of the best I've ever seen in a film. I'm excited for Part 2 of this movie

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airport73 on 3/2/2024 Reply  · 

There's so much going on in Dune you'll have to watch it a few times to appreciate it. The set design and costume design are almost too perfect! The Harkonnen's home planet aesthetic is almost scary just to look at.

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