Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

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Directed By Jon Watts Jon Watts Starring Tom Holland Tom Holland  •  Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Cumberbatch  •  Alfred Molina Alfred Molina  •  Willem Dafoe Willem Dafoe  •  Zendaya Zendaya Genres Action  •  Adventure  •  Based-on-Comics  •  Fantasy Adventure  •  Fantasy  •  Sci-Fi Action  •  Science Fiction  •  Superhero Film Studios &
Spider-Man  •  Marvel Comics  •  Academy Award Nominated  •  MTV Movie Award for Best Movie Nominated  •  MTV Movie Award for Best Movie Winning  •  Marvel Cinematic Universe  •  Billion-Dollar Film Club
Release Info 2021-12-15T00:00:00Z December 15, 2021
Color  •  148 minutes PG13 Rated PG13
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Spider-Man: No Way Home vs. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Spider-Man: No Way Home Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice VS.

akghoneim said on May 1

"Both have terrible plots, one has good characters and dialogue with the exception of Doctor..." more ►

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Comments (15)


Solomeo on 12/16/2021 Reply  · 


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noobpb17 on 12/16/2021 Reply  · 

you finally liked a marvel movie for once

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noobpb17 on 12/16/2021 Reply  · 

my fav spiderman movie and fav mcu movie after infinity war

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Avenger7 on 12/17/2021 Reply  · 

Exceptional. They absolutely hit it out of the park with this one. They delivered depth and true fan service without sacrificing anything. The tributes to past films were not just well crafted but elevated EVERYTHING. In fact, they somehow managed to make the “Amazing” Spider-Man films I worked to ignore more appealing in hindsight. The balance they managed to achieve is nothing short of masterful. They took all the poignant character beats and themes of the past and utilized them perfectly here. The result is the most entertaining and emotional thrill ride of any blockbuster in recent memory. This gem is on par if not surpasses Avengers Infinity War.

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Crapbaskets123 on 7/7/2022 Reply  · 

I wouldn't put it in the same level as Infinity War. Infinity War is unfortunately just a lot more layered and complex and just better-made than NWH, but NWH is still a really good movie

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Superherofan1 on 12/17/2021 Reply  · 

My new favorite comic book movie

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JRM on 12/18/2021 Reply  · 

It was wonderful

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ChrisFilm85 on 12/18/2021 Reply  · 

Very good! Not the best film of the year but certainly up there. No spoilers, but there is a certain scene in this film about half way through where the entire film becomes amazing. The first act was a little slow, everything until the Doctor Strange Train fight didn't amaze me. But some of the scenes in the second half od this film are priceless. Very self-aware but very heart-felt at the same time. A dream come true if you're a Spider Man fan.

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Crapbaskets123 on 7/7/2022 Reply  · 

I actually liked the first act, mostly with the whole grim reality with Peter's identity being revealed. I wished they made it a little darker with less MCU jokes, but I still enjoye dit. I agree that the Dr. Strange fight wasn't really that impressive, but was still interesting to see Strange and Peter interact like this.

The second half is definitely what I enjoyed more. The ending is really emotionally resonant and even if NWH gets forgotten and obsolete, the ending will likely stick with people.

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robela740 on 12/20/2021 Reply  · 

This site is really losing users.this movie is still in 81972

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Superherofan1 on 12/20/2021 Reply  · 

It just hasn’t been updated yet

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UltimateRanker on 12/30/2021 Reply  · 

The ones with a brain have moved to Letterboxd. Not to say Letterboxd is a shitty site, but it has sadly been dominated by trolls and spammers.

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thecrackers on 4/19/2022 Reply  · 

Not a good movie, but enjoyable. Actually the best thing Marvel has given us since Age of Ultron.

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AnthraxBeetharax on 4/21/2022 Reply  · 

No Way Home is a bigger, bolder Spider-Man sequel that broadens the franchise's scope and stakes while maintaining its humor and heart.

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JimmyMcGill on 8/27/2022 Reply  · 

The spontaneous cheers in the cinema for Spider-Man: No Way Home were well worth it.

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