Fiction_Fox's User Profile


6/27/2010 joined Flickchart

7917 profile views

5929 rankings / 823 movies / 293 comments

61 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes spent watching movies

Fiction_Fox's Favorite Movies

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Moulin Rouge Amadeus A Clockwork Orange Citizen Kane The Shawshank Redemption Mr. Holland's Opus The Prince of Egypt Fantastic Mr. Fox Zootopia

Fiction_Fox's Recently Added Movies

Avengers: Infinity War Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle The Greatest Showman Thor: Ragnarok Black Panther


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Comments (117)


johnmason on 11/12/2010 Reply  · 

I see you have District 9 as your #1 (good taste!)...but Avatar is at the BOTTOM of your list? Ouch! ;-)

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Fiction_Fox on 11/14/2010 Reply  · 

The only two things that were good about Avatar was its looks and its power. It had some terrible acting, writing, and storytelling and is not deserving of its present status. And the fact of how the whole world fell all over it while only a few people even talked about District 9 didn't help me like the film either.

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Movie_Pup on 12/13/2010 Reply  · 

Just added a couple more films to my list. ;)

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Fiction_Fox on 12/19/2010 Reply  · 

Cool ^^ '

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smachado22 on 12/31/2010 Reply  · 

ah i see youre a fan of inception as well.
i loooved that movie.

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Fiction_Fox on 1/1/2011 Reply  · 

Indeed, that film soared above my expectations for it! A lot of people are saying it's flawed though, and I for one just don't see it.

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TDX619 on 1/9/2011 Reply  · 

"Give me the fookin weapons!" lol

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Fiction_Fox on 1/9/2011 Reply  · 

"I would never have pornographic activities with a fookin' creatcha!" lololol

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TDX619 on 1/9/2011 Reply  · 

Oh yes you would, I've seen your basement. lolz wut? xD

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MysticSpoon on 6/10/2012 Reply  · 

Yes, I LOVE Kick-Ass (unfortunately...? :P). The only problem I have is the scene where Kick-Ass and Big Daddy gets tortured, it was too dark. But besides that, I adore that movie to death. It's probably the movie I rewatch the most. The villain is great, the side characters are great, and unlike most people I think Kick-Ass himself is great. His motivations to become a superhero are the most realistic and believable I've ever seen in a superhero movie.

But I can ask a similar question to you: you like 'DISTRICT 9' THAT much? Not that I have a problem with that, but I personally think it's one of the most unoriginal movies I've ever seen, with an unlikable lead and a nonsense ending. If you don't know what I mean, here's a video of Doug Walker (The Nostalgia Critic) explaining why he dislikes the movie, and I pretty much agree with him:

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MysticSpoon on 6/22/2012 Reply  · 

First off: Doug Walker aka the Nostalgia Critic is the anti-christ for people who like to watch movies? What? It's just a dude on the internet with an opinion. Just because he has an opinion different than mine, yours or somebody elses doesn't make him an anti-christ. He even says it in the video: 'if you like these movies, don't feel ashamed about it, I just have a different opinion than yours'. That's a respectful message. If he said 'you're all f'ing dumb for liking these movies', only THEN I would've agreed with your anti-christ statement. And I'm also not a Nostalgia Critic fanboy or anything; he gave a negative review to Independence Day, a movie I like! His main issue was that it was so dumb; I agree with that, but it didn't bother me. And the review didn't bother me either; I disagreed with him, sure, but to call him an idiot for that is stupid and unrespectful; it's HIS opinion, why should that bother me, right? He dislikes the movie, I like the movie, whatever. And he also made a list with movies he likes but everybody else seem to hate, and he had some controversial picks like Spider-man 3 and X-men 3, both movies that are despised by many and liked by few. So it doesn't mean he finds something to hate about in EVERY movie he sees, whether they are generally considered to be good or bad.

Second: I DID see District 9 before I saw his review, and
even THEN I personally thought it was a bad movie. You're jumping to conclusions way too quickly here. My main issues then were the people in the slums eating the aliens to 'absorb their power', and the ending, which I mentioned in my previous comment. It was AFTER his review that I started to discover that District 9 is not original at all. If you don't know what I mean, check my comments on the District 9 vs Independence Day or District 9 vs Avatar discussions.

Third: I can't really talk about Moulin Rouge here, because I haven't seen the movie, but I did see parts of both his Nostalgia Critic review AND I did see his personal review in 'Movies I hate but everybody else seems to love'. He made some valid points that were visible in the Nostalgia Critic review, for example the fast editing. But, again, he did say that if you like the movie, that's fine.

Please know that I'm NOT trying to attack you here; you love District 9, I don't. I'm just giving my opinion on a movie with arguments and counter-arguments. I'm not trying to change your opinion :)

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MysticSpoon on 6/23/2012 Reply  · 

Dude, why do you care if I agree with you or not? I'm giving my own view on a movie and on a internet celebrity with arguments and counter-arguments. Do you want me to say 'yes, I am wrong, you are right, forgive my stupidity' to stay your friend? Just because I have my own opinion on something that's different than yours doesn't mean I can't be your friend. Some people that have commented on my profile page said they hated Kick-Ass. Do I agree with that? No. Are these people still my friend? Yes. I can STILL have fun conversations with them even when I don't agree with them. We're sharing our opinion on a movie. Because that's the thing: I respect their opinion. I especially respect their opinion if for example they give reasons WHY they like a movie I hate, something I do as well. If I hate Avatar and somebody else loves it, I won't say 'wow you're an idiot', but 'I disagree with you, here are my reasons why' ;)

So far, I haven't heard a single response from you to my arguments. You obviously don't agree with me, but WHY do you not agree with me? If you think we can't be friends JUST because we disagree with each other, so be it. But you can at least react to the points I made. And no personal attacks please, arguments.

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MysticSpoon on 6/25/2012 Reply  · 

I guess you didn't conclude anything from my previous comment:

"Just because I have my own opinion on something that's different than yours doesn't mean I can't be your friend. [...] I can STILL have fun conversations with them (= friends) even when I don't agree with them. We're sharing our opinion on a movie. Because that's the thing: I respect their opinion."

So I don't necesarily base my friends on movie lists. Believe me, sometimes I do, but other times I want to become a friend with somebody if they wrote something interesting, thought out or just funny, even when I don't agree with it or when they have a movie list radically different than mine. Now I can't exactly remember why I became friends with you, but it wasn't because I have a different opinion on your no. 1. Maybe because I DO agree with some other movies on your list, like Amadeus and the Shawshank Redemption. I LOVE those movies, so if you rather talk about those than District 9, be my guest. Just because we don't agree 100% on one thing doesn't mean we don't agree 100% on other things. We can still be friends, even if we have our differences, right?

And sorry for making your original profile page 5 times as long. But I wanted to explain things and you wanted me to explain things. Admittedly, I went a little too 'in depth'. But that wasn't so much about why I dislike District 9. It was mostly about me, you, friends and the Nostalgia Critic. If you want to see me extensively point out why I dislike District 9, again, check my comments on the Avatar vs District 9 and Independence Day vs District 9 pages ;)

And, again: if you love District 9, that's perfectly fine. It was never my intention to insult you for liking District 9. I was just giving my opinion on the movie. So I respect you for liking the movie, I hope you respect me (and others as well) for disliking it.

So, I have answered your question, now can you please answer mine?

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MysticSpoon on 6/25/2012 Reply  · 

(See my previous comment, the last bit)

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MysticSpoon on 7/2/2012 Reply  · 

Yeah, sorry 'bout that. But I don't know...YouTube, maybe? With private messages? My account on there is MysticSpoonAttack. Not the best place to share opinions in private, I know, but at least it's something. Or, you can add me on Steam. My Steam account is MysticSpoonAttack as well.

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

No, it absolutely is not. And you seem to be an intelligent guy, so I'm surprised that you'd say something so silly. Also, I think we should keep this discussion where it started. That way, others can chime in.

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Why not? The discussion started in a place where everyone could see it and it should continue there. That's what the 'Discussions' button at the top is for. I don't own this site. It's here for us to rank and discuss movies with others. Why limit the discussion to just the two of us?

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Yelling at you? What are you talking about? Why are you being so defensive?

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Are you serious?

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

No, I really want to know if you're actually angry right now. I didn't mean for you to be angry. I didn't mean for you to take any of this personally. I just thought your comment about "serious" films holding more merit than parodies was a silly one. I wanted you to explain, but clearly, you've taken it personally. You've gotta grow some thicker skin. People disagree on shit here all the time. We discuss it. Sometimes opinions change, sometimes they don't. We move on. I just want to know why you feel like you're being attacked.

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ToryK on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Alright, agree to disagree, then. I wish you'd explain, but whatevs. Just try not to take things to take things personally, in the future.

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Maddhatter on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Hi. It seems my comment has sparked quite a debate. I didn't mean for things to turn into a big argument.

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PiccoloKing on 10/4/2012 Reply  · 

Great taste bud. District 9 is a cool no. 1.

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TheHonestFilmFan on 7/12/2013 Reply  · 

Here in Ireland, Now You See Me has been getting a TON of press, what are your thoughts? I find the cast intriguing but great actors cannot be good with a bad script, with the sole exception of Christopher Walken. But he's not in this soooooooooooooooooooooo I don't know.

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Caesar on 8/25/2013 Reply  · 

Thanks for agreeing, Fiction_Fox. Zero Dark Thirty is a very good flick. And you are right on the money about the beginning and ending of Lincoln - they were both rather flawed.

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Caesar on 8/26/2013 Reply  · 

Regarding the vote counts, I understand where you're coming from. We can respectfully agree to disagree on this one.

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TheHonestFilmFan on 9/8/2013 Reply  · 

Whoa, you've seen a lot of films I've seen lately! Okay, here we go: Rapid Fire Quiz! What did you think of:

1. Billy and Mandy?

2. Garfield Gets Real?

3. Garfield's Fun Fest?

4. The Royal Tenenbaums?

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TheHonestFilmFan on 10/2/2013 Reply  · 

Superbad's pretty good. Not fantastic, but still pretty funny. I've got a more in-depth review up on my Letterboxd account.

How was Machete?

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TheHonestFilmFan on 10/2/2013 Reply  · 

Also, why do hate Superbad so much? Good to get some differing opinions flowing.

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TheHonestFilmFan on 10/15/2013 Reply  · 

Eh, I liked Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street and This is the End, although I did think his character in Superbad was like Max Fischer without the charm and passion and good script.
As for Michael Cera, I like him when he's in good stuff. Ever seen Scott Pilgrim and Arrested Development. Well-made shit.

TWO SEQUELS? Jesus, I haven't seen a horse take a beating that hard since the Jack & Jill trailer.

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saddler16 on 1/7/2014 Reply  · 

Thank's for accepting my friend request.l think l saw one of your comment's on one of my friend's page but l can't remember where.Plus,anyone who has Citizen Kane in their top 5 get's my respect.

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

I like your top ten too. Our lists looks very different, but I do love many of the movies you have up high on your list.

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

I actually just rewatched Citizen Kane again recently. Man, I appreciated it much more. It went from #1897, to #123. :)

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

It was only a 2.5/5 before- now it's a 5/5. :)

Planning anything to watch?

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

Very good. I also say it's good. :) Hope you enjoy it.

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

You seem like a big fan of animations?

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

Very cool. I'll make sure to let you know about any animated movies I watch that I liked.

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shane24 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

I've heard mixed things about Frozen to be honest. I hope you enjoy it.

I didn't hate Tangled as much as you by the sound of it. I did hate the sickly syrupy songs, though.

Is Disney movies your preferred animations?

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah, I get the hate for the Tangled characters.

I'm totally with you when it comes to Legends of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. I think it was terrible how that movie was treated. People who didn't even see the film were just calling it "that owl movie" (like David Chen from the /Film podcast).

I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest musical fan, but I can appreciate one every now and then. So for animations, I tend to lean more towards comedies or action (I like action as you probably can tell).

I like Bluth movies like Land Before Time and American Tail, but it's been a very long time since I watched them.

I'll keep an eye out for Prince of Egypt, mate.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Is Antz low on your list because it's a rip-off?

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Have you seen the Aussie film Mary and Max or The Triplets of Belleville?

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Yes, all the water looked incredible, I agree. Too bad it didn't make much money, it was all set up for a sequel.

I've seen a few Land Before Time sequels, but can't remember a thing. I love the western American Tail movie.

As a friend, I appreciate the warning. However, it doesn't mean it's a no deal for me. But once again, I thank you for the heads-up. :)

Well, you know about some guy leaving Pixar whilst they were were on A Bug's life, then making Antz? Blatant rip-off.

Mary and Max or Triplets of Belleville?

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

I will assume you meant both, or maybe you thought it was one title. That's possible.

Don't expect anything like a Disney movie. These stories deal with serious issues (Mary and Max more than Triplets), but still remain funny

Well, Mary and Max is an Aussie claymation directed by Adam Elliott, who won an Academy Award for his short Harvie Krumpet (which you can find on YouTube). Mary, a lonely Aussie girl, decides to write a letter to someone from New York. That person turns out to be Max (voiced by Phillip Seymour Hoffman), a obese, lonely man. The story then follows the two as they create a friendship through letters.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

The Triplets of Belleville is about an elderly woman who is trying to find her cyclist grandson after he is kidnapped from the Tour de France. She is also joined by the Triplets of Belleville, which are a stage act from decades prior, and her Dog Bruno. What I liked was the style of animation. I can't even describe it. You may of seen something like it before. But anyway, I found it to be truly hilarious, and even had some surprising action scenes at times. I wasn't sure if I'd like it before I watched it, but I had a blast. Oh, one more thing, the film has little to no dialogue for the entirety of the film.

If you want to know anything else, just ask.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Mary and Max is in the IMDB top 250, that's what most people think about it. :) I'm an Aussie you know? :)

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

I highly doubt they will do a sequel. It really was a bomb. But, you never know. They're doing a sequel to MaGruber, which is one of the biggest bombs of all time.

If I heard right, they're planning more Narnia movies. I think the rights were sold again- not 100% on that.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

You definitely know your stuff. Everything you said about Land Before Time and the Fieval movie I didn't know. :)

Put Antz right at the bottom, mate! ;D

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, and I think the same on those Narnia movies as you. I have seen Dawn Treader. It's easily the worst imo.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Both are full length.

I do have to say that I didn't miss the dialogue at all in Triplets. The jokes are still very good. Well, comedy is very subjective, but I do like it. The dog reacting to a train near the house is very funny.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Maybe watch the trailers to see if they're your cup of tea. :)

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah, I think Aussies are pretty lucky if I'm honest. We do have our problems, though. :)

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

Come talk to me anytime, mate. I enjoy talking to you.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

I know America is the centre of entertainment, but Aussies know our stuff too, mate! :)

I do hope you like them if you choose to see them.

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shane24 on 1/9/2014 Reply  · 

You know, I met an actor from Moulin Rouge. She didn't have a very large part, though. She's a little person (I don't know what they preferred to be called now, I've heard multiple answers). She was bloody cool! She's friends with my cousin, so that's how I met her. I was very lucky. I'm very tall (6 foot 6), and when everybody started mingling, I accidently nearly hit her with my knee! :O

The Land Before Time is on tv next week. I juststumbled onto it. :) I think I will have a nostalgic rewatch.

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, I felt so bad! Her head was only up to my knee, so I had way of seeing her from my eye line. She actually runs a brothel the last time I heard. :) She seemed very intelligent.

Oh, I have to track that movie down now! :D That's pretty cool, mate. :)

While we're on the subject. My cousin is an actress and playwright. The most accessible movie to see her in is The Great Gatsby. She plays Mrs Mckee. Very small part. But she had to fly to Sydney, film her scenes with Tobey MaGuire, fly back to Brisbane that night, then do two shows of Hamlet the next day. Phew! :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

I will greatly appreciate it if you read this about my cousin. It's from the Australian Story ep that the ABC did on her last year. :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Is that a letterboxd review? Or a different site?

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

I'm about to watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Getting popcorn. :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

The lights are still up. I just saw the Frozen trailer for the first time. I could enjoy it. :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

What's the site?

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

I'm worried that these bunch of young guys at the front are gonna talk the whole movie.

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Sorry, links don't work on iPads. :)

Did you read the article?

They didn't talk in the end. It was their friends up next to me that were more trouble.

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

I have read your review now. Man, you did go into great detail.....but I enjoyed the read. I can really tell how much you love Luhrmann films from your words.

Am I allowed to call you from your first name?

I got a PS4 as well- and got Call of Duty for Christmas. :)

What do you mean by questionable things? By you? Or the site?

What do you love about foxes? Something in particular? Or are you just drawn (hah!)

Is that Star Fox? I haven't thought about him in years! I used to play the Nintendo game all the time. :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, you must of loved the Benjamin Button gag in Walter Mitty! :D

I wish he didn't reveal the cover at the end. I wanted it left to the imagination.

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Still a 7.5/10, though. :)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Help me out. What does ^^; mean? :D I don't use them much you see, so I have no idea. The only ones I know are :D :O :) :/ :'(. I would do the evil emoticon, but it usually goes weird for some reason. What the hey, lets's see if it works. >:)

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shane24 on 1/10/2014 Reply  · 

Eureka! :)

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shane24 on 1/11/2014 Reply  · 

Never apolgise for a late reply. I understand. :)

Please do. I gave you the link to see what she's been through. She's the strongest person I know by a long shot.

Show me any reviews you want. :)

Hmm, I feel uncertainty in your answer. Am I off track? Give me an empathic yes if I can use your name. :)

The controller is so much better, I agree. I have Killzone and NBA 2K14 as well. Not much choice really.

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shane24 on 1/11/2014 Reply  · 

Ok. I will stick to what you show me. It's a whole different world to me if I'm honest. I don't really want to stumble onto something somewhere on the site that I'm uncomfortable with.

I've heard a bit about furries, but not enough to be an expert on the subject. I just heard an opinion, and a story, on a podcast that I will keep to myself unless you want to hear it.

I never played either of those versions of Star Fox. I had a copy on the really old Nintendo that I think I finished ten times. :D

Yep, I get your point entirely. An why that worked for you. I just built it up in my head, ya know? So I was a bit disappointed by what was shown.

Are you really uncertain? Are you worried what I will say?

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shane24 on 1/11/2014 Reply  · 

Yep, it's my real name.

Yep, I meant that Call of Duty. I haven't played it yet. In fact, it's still in the plastic. :) I still have so many PS3 games to get to as well. It's daunting.

I will say that i heard the info from a podcast. It involved a pile, if you get me. I'm not sure if you will. Don't worry, I won't attack you either.

Oh, of course! Super Nintendo! Why did I forget that?! I won't rub it in too much, but it was fun.

Help? Me? Don't worry about helping me. I just wanted to know if I could make you more comfortable by knowing not to worry about me.

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shane24 on 1/11/2014 Reply  · 

Godamn server error! I lost a comment I sent you. Sigh!

Yep, my name is Shane.

I'll get back to you.

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shane24 on 1/11/2014 Reply  · 

Whoops! There it is! ^ It didn't appear when I sent it to you. Glad I spotted it now so I didn't have to write it all out again. :)

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shane24 on 1/13/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks for allowing me call you by your first name. :)

Yep, I think I will enjoy myself. You know, I still haven't finished some from 2007! :D :O No worries about the mistake either. ;)

Yeah, I won't mention what I heard, mate.

I'm back at work, so I won't be able to respond as fast I I did.

I will get to your review of Rent, I promise.

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shane24 on 1/13/2014 Reply  · 

Yep, as in beaten. I can't control myself. I see a good deal on a good game, I have to have is, despite having plenty. :)

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shane24 on 1/14/2014 Reply  · 

Are you like me that you don't even attempt to play some? I have so many that I haven't even looked at. :)

I recall you had a different fox for a pic before, what was it from?

Were you worried about telling me know? I hope you weren't. I accept you for who you are. You've been great to talk to. As long as you're nice to me, I've got your back. :)

District 9 is a 10/10 movie for me. Some people don't like the ending, but I'm an action guy! :D I get such a big smile on my face. The pig part made me laugh and laugh.

I've been debating the spot Avatar has on my list if I'm to be honest. I haven't seen it since the cinemas, so I wonder how it holds up.

Ah, Cabin in the Woods. :) Man, I loved that movie. Us Aussies get ripped off with horror movies. I was in Cairns on holiday, and planned to see The Cabin in the Woods. Naturally, I thought it would be everywhere. But no, it was in two cinemas in the whole godamn country. One was in Fremantle (which pissed me off more because it's only a few hours from where I live), and Melbourne! You know what I had to see instead? That's My Boy. :/ We didn't get Drag Me to Hell, You're Next and many, many others.

Anyway, Cabin in the Woods blew me away. When those elevator doors opened.........I lost it. I will let you in on my potential embarrassing moment. I verbally said 'YEAH!!!' :D On top of that, I punched the air.

I do love Batman Begins, but not as much. My top two makes me worried what people think because it makes me look like one of those one-sided fanboys- which I avoid doing. I like hearing people's opinions to get another perspective. Sometimes they hate a movie I like, but that really doesn't bother me. But anyway, that was a tangent I wasn't expecting. :D Yes, I do love Batman Begins, but what holds it back for me is the villain. What makes me love the next two more is for the fantastic performances of Ledger and Hardy. Plus both villains make push Batman to the breaking point like we've never seen in a superhero movie. If I'm correct, BB is somewhere in the mid 100's on my list.

Don't worry, I won't miss any comments buddy. I 'like' every comment, so it's ver easy to see the last comment I replied to.

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shane24 on 1/15/2014 Reply  · 

I've probably got 20 games I haven't played. :D

Fursona? Is that the proper name? :) Oh, I get why you changed it. That reason makes complete sense.

Yeah, I meant that by "you know". I just didn't what to say it too much in case you didn't want comments about it in your comments section. You get me? I was thinking of what you'd want. Please tell me how I should handle it. :)

I'll be honest with you, because I think you deserve that. It took a bit for me to get my head around. Especially when I had the guys talking about the pile in my head as the initial source of info. It was only this year that I knew it was a thing. This country guy from W.A usually deals with the same type of people. Bloody ferals, and plenty of bogans (Aussie slang, I'll explain it if required). I'm very glad you're comfortable with me buddy- as I am with you. I did get the sense you were worried when you sent the link to me. It was just the normal getting to know someone really. :)

I didn't mind Drag Me to Hell. It had some humour that I appreciated. But it really worked out missing out watching it. You know what we saw instead? District bloody 9! :D I hadn't heard much about it, but saw the rottentomatoes score, and decided to see it. Man, that feeling of disappointment on missing out was soon gone when District 9 started!

You make me want to watch Wolf of Wall Street more now. :D I'll admit something to you now. I don't swear. I keep that to myself most of the time because I would get mocked. I don't even care if other people swear. It's just not in my nature to talk like that. It's just how I was built. :) The only time swearing annoys me is when someone says fuck for every second word. That does get on my nerves. :)

Yeah, Avatar may need a rewatch, but I'm not currently doing that. I've probably rewatched 6 movies over the last 2 and a 1/2 years. I'm currently working on the Flickchart top 1000. I've got 74 (?) to go. :)

I enjoyed You're Next greatly. But it's a movie that is better if nothing is said about it. :)

I'm the opposite. I rarely get scared. I'm not trying to sound like a toughie, It's just a fact. :) But it doesn't detract from a good horror movie for me. I can appreciate so much of the genre.

Oh, I then rewound and punched the air three more times. :D I then slowed it right down so I could see what each thing was doing to the guards. :)

No, no, I didn't think you were hating on me, buddy. You'd have to do more than that to get me annoyed. I'm very laid back, but I do over think how people may take something I say to them. You're most welcome to at any time to ask a question about my list or a specific movie. I won't bite ya head off. :)

Got anything lined up to watch?

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shane24 on 1/15/2014 Reply  · 

To get my head around your thing. It was the voice in my heads from the podcast. They talked about it for a long time, and that's the only thing I had heard before about it. They're comedians, so you can guess what was said.

Bogan is similar to a redneck. The men have tight little AFL (Australian Football League) shorts on, a bluey (our type of singlet), thongs (what we call flip flops), and a VB in his hand (Victoria Bitter). These people tend to have mullets, a lack of teeth, and are missing a bunch of teeth. However, bogans have a deep love for Australia, which leads to many violent encounters with people from other countries. They're dicks. You can get a decent bog an every now and then that's just a good laugh, and isn't racist. But that's few and far between.

It was a joke, the Wolf of Wall Street comment. :) But swearing doesn't bother me in movies, either. It's just when people say something like 'I fuckin' went to fuckin' Melbourne on the fuckin' weekend to watch the fuckin' footy. Fuck, it was a fuckin' blowout! Fuckin' waste of fuckin' money!' :) Happens a lot down here.

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on Paranormal Activity. :)

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shane24 on 1/16/2014 Reply  · 

Did I upset you with my first comment on the last post? ^ I hope not.

It's Australia Day next week, so all the bogans will be out in full force. It's sad when someone with a Aussie flag on their car is probably an idiot.

I guess feral is Aussie slang. I thought it was common.......guess not. It's a name for wild, untidy, filthy people. Man, I could tell you some awful stories about some people where I live. But I think I will save you from the mental pictures. :D

No, I hadn't heard about the Battlefield 4 character. That probably wouldn't bother me either. It's just annoying in conversations when people talk like that. Well, for me anyway. :)

Would you watch The Conjuring?

Did you watch The Animals of Farthing Wood when you were younger?

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

Yep, I understand. I was just making sure. :)

I don't think you could even imagine some things I know about these idiots here. :)

I loved Animals of Farthing Wood. The fox leading all the animals to a new forrest was one of my favourite characters. A funny, yet very sad show. It was a great show for kids. Too many kids now are protected from too much, so when they go out into the world, they can't handle things.

So, were you drawn to foxes because they're cunning, devious, perhaps evil creatures?

I'm not familiar with Bleach, but I'm liking the passion calling him a fox! :D

Yeah, I had to add about 15 movies over the time on the site. Most of them have been Aussie movies.

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

I love Fantastic Mr Fox as well. It gets better every time I see it. I like that all the actors were out doing what their characters did.

Yep, I know about Looney Tunes. Grew up watching them.

You have interesting thoughts that I don't get to hear from anybody else. Thank you for that.

Are you calling yourself weird in a funny way? If not, I wish you wouldn't bring yourself down. Those thoughts were an interesting read. :)

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

In fact, go for your life with anything you want to say to me now. I think you're a top bloke, and I'm interested in what you have to say.

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, and I looked and what Sajin looks like......but I think what other people better be kept away from me. :D I don't think I would handle it. :D

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

I'm surprised Fantastic Mr Fox isn't higher on your list. :) You talk about it with so much passion, that I'm surprised it's only #10.

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shane24 on 1/17/2014 Reply  · 

That's funny that you woke up and realised you loved it! :D What a shift in thinking! :D

I love Up, but I see your point. To keep giving it to them is sending the wrong message. I also loved Coraline, but haven't seen Princess and the Frog. You probably like that Monsters University missed out, yes? It would be good to see them step up their game a bit.

In case someone else reads it you call yourself a weirdo? I hope you know that I won't. :)

I actually don't know what rule 34 is, but I assume the
rule is that everything has a porn version.

Fattening him up? How old are these people?!

You ask an interesting question for the alternate dimension version of me: would I add you if you had all animations? The answer is......that I don't know. I would hope that I wouldn't be so narrow minded. I have a bunch of friends on here with completely different lists.

I personally don't put "better" films over favourites. My list is my list, people can accept it, or bugger off. :D

How are you with avant garde films? I personally can't handle them. :)

If you don't mind, I'm interested in what your top ten favourite movie list is. Exclude what is better, we're talking just the movies you get the most from. :)

Would you liked the Wanted film more if they were dressed up like they are in the comics? Then you'd get a Jolie dressed up as a fox. :)

I getcha, you still like all the movies in your top ten. :)

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shane24 on 1/19/2014 Reply  · 

I didn't see either Cars movies, and Brave is a big letdown. I loved Rango and Kung Fu Panda 2 as well. :) Monsters University is alright, but it's Pixar lite.

I think I could handle them, but I thank you for not telling me. :) I'm not eager to know. :D

Avant Garde is so pretentious. I watched 8 1/2 and Last Year at Marienbad. Man, they're so bloody boring to me.

Don't put in too much work if it's a hassle, buddy. I just thought you may of had a top ten favourites in your head. :)

Oh, you didn't know! Well, I'm glad I could share that with you. I'm sure there's plenty of rule 34 with her- am I right, eh?!! :D

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shane24 on 1/23/2014 Reply  · 

I think I'm open to seeing Cars, but I personally think Planes is just Disney putting out an inferior film for a cash grab.

By lite, I meant that it's good, but has less substance.

I enjoy Benjamin Button as well. :)

I haven't seen any Secret of NIMH movies. :O I liked hearing your thoughts. Nostalgia is such an influence, eh? But you like what you like, it doesn't bother me. I have movies that I love (Vampire's Kiss), that can be considered bad as well.

Country music is quite big in Australia. But most seem to listen to Aussie country singers. They have a different style to American country singers. Troy Casser-Daly, Adam Brand, Kasey Chambers, Adam Harvey, and legends Slim Dusty, John Williamson, and Lee Kernaghan come to mind. Oh, Keith Urban, but he's more like an American country singer. I haven't heard of any of the country singers you listed. :)

How much do you know about Australia? Not having a go, or anything like that. Just being a curious cat. :)

I tell you what, for you buddy, I will check Tom Sawyer out sometime. :)

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saddler16 on 1/24/2014 Reply  · 

Hey!Am I mistaken or has your list changed quite a bit since you accepted my friend request?

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shane24 on 1/24/2014 Reply  · 

Where on your list (doesn't have to be exact) does the movies start being bad? It's hard to tell with these lists.

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shane24 on 1/27/2014 Reply  · 

Great thoughts on Benjamin Button. I liked reading them. You're very clever with expressing what movies mean to you. :)

Nostalgia is big for me, but I think you beat me in that department. :)

Yeah. Although I think some of the Aussie country music is becoming more Americanised. The biggest country song that comes to mind that really has an Aussis flavour is Slim Dusty Pub with no Beer.

I listened to Womack's I Hope You Dance. It rings a bell, but I'm not sure if it's from the original, or someone singing it on American Idol.

There is some big cities down here, but nothing like you guys have. Pretty much all of it is desert. We all just live near the water.

I don't quite get what you meant by athleticism there with all the wilderness. :)

Nah, you don't offend me. Didgeridoos and boomerangs are the things that are very memorable from Australia for other countries.

I think we're one of the only countries that eat our coat of arms. :D That would be the kangaroo and emu. :)

Okay, thanks for making it more clear about your list. :)

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shane24 on 1/27/2014 Reply  · 

I want to tell you something else about myself seeing you've told me about yourself. I'm a very shy, quiet person. I'm fine just sitting and listening to people talk, but people sometimes get the wrong impression of me. That's when I shut them out completely. The thing is, I can be very loud, and talk a lot. But I have to be comfortable with the people around me. If a new person enters I'm unsure of, I shut up very quickly. I guess it means it's very hard to get to know me. But I'm a great listener. I take in what people have to say.

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shane24 on 1/27/2014 Reply  · 

What did you think of The Raid?

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shane24 on 1/27/2014 Reply  · 

I read your review of Rent. :) Man, it sounds bloody weird mate. Especially the part where the guy says he loves the girl straight after finding out she has aids. That wouldn't happen. Ever. Maybe after some thinking, but straight away?! Nah, no way.

I like your reviews. They're an entertaining read. :)

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shane24 on 1/27/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, I also like Mountain Dew. :) I'm with you there. :D

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shane24 on 2/3/2014 Reply  · 

It's fine George. I just hope your internet gets fixed soon.

Yes, many of us are like know you described. But many of us are just like people you'd find anywhere else. :)

I'm a bit of a thinker too. I don't think of any mind blowing things, I'm always thinking about something. Some people can't handle being quiet, or silence, but I can with ease. The people I know, who I like, get to hear what I have to say. Other people, I don't worry about. I feel some people are intimidated by me as well. I'm six foot six, and am quite strong. I don't say that in any way to make myself sound good, I just deal with facts. Some people think i'm stupid, or am scary just by my size. A bright side is that my size has allowed me to not have to get in fights. People tend to leave me alone, and I'm no bully, so I never had to throw a fist. That's fine by me. I'm not for all this macho bullshit.

I don't want to sound too sad. I have my friends, and have a good laugh. But my shyness is definitely a restriction.

You can rank how you want, it's your list. But personally, I don't add a movie until I've seen it all. I can't rank it accurately unless i see everything. If I was to watch 40 minutes of The Raid, I feel it would be much lower on my list.

Now George, I have read two of your reviews, will you read the link soon?

Don't leave me in the dark. :D what was the nostalgia piece? Mulan 2? Lady and the Tramp 2? :)

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shane24 on 2/7/2014 Reply  · 

Please do. It's unbelievable what she's accomplished with her illness.

I may have seen Lady and the Tramp 2. I can't remember. It's been too many years. I like how passionate you are for animated films. :)

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shane24 on 2/8/2014 Reply  · 

Just has a Mountain Dew with my grilled snapper and chips. :D

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shane24 on 2/14/2014 Reply  · 

What's your thoughts on Dumb and Dumber? I see your score, so I assume you didn't like it. :)

Harry and the Hendersons is a really nostalgic movie for me. :)

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shane24 on 2/20/2014 Reply  · 

Hey, how's it going? :)

We do have fries, also. Mainly in McDonalds, and Hungry Jacks. Which is Burger King with a different name. :) What we call chips are the more thicker version. No, I don't mean wedges. :D Inbetween a fries and wedges......get me. :D I'm sure you do. :) We just always have to make sure people know what we mean. Something like: 'you want a chip? Not a hot chip, but a cold chip.' :D

I've thought of movies years later on here that I could've sworn were on my list. Some that seem so obvious were overlooked by me.

Ah, I'm glad your Internet is fixed, mate. Yeah, without being pushy, I hope you are on here more, I like talking to you. :)

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shane24 on 2/20/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, in that seafood place, it has a great sign. It says 'don't feed the seagulls, or they will s.o.y.' Love it. :)

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shane24 on 6/3/2014 Reply  · 

How's it going?

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shane24 on 6/7/2014 Reply  · 

Don't say sorry, I was just asking how you are. :)

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shane24 on 6/7/2014 Reply  · 

If I recall, you didn't like your job. Do you have the same one? It's alright if you do, I hate my job, and I've been doing it for nearly eleven years.

I just came back from holidays in Sydney and Brisbane, so I'm good. :)

I watched Frozen, and thought it was quite good.

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shane24 on 6/8/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, i'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck with the search.

I gave Frozen a 3/5 on Letterboxd. It was okay, but nothing amazing. Her and The Wages of Fear have been my favourite recent movies that I have seen.

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shane24 on 6/10/2014 Reply  · 

I think you will like Her. So many ideas in that movie! I also dug how they handled people's reactions to finding out about the relationship. Not the cliche way that I see in many other films.

The Wages of Fear is a very intense film, but if I had to guess, it might not be for you. But hey, I could be wrong. These four men travel over uneven road with unstable nitro glycerine. That's the very basic plot for it.

I bloody missed All the Kings Men the other day by a few hours.

I now have a favourite animal. You like foxes, I now love honey badgers. :) They're bloody awesome. Do you like them?

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shane24 on 6/18/2014 Reply  · 

Set in the 50's I think. That's is when the novel was written, and the film was made. Nothing in the film told me otherwise.....that I remember. It's a foreign language film. Don't know if that's a problem or not.

Yep, but it only was shown a few times. I know there's two veriosns, and it most definitely was the remake.

I know nothing of this honey badger meme. I just found out about them, and the more I learnt, the more I was excited. They're such tough little bastards! I love that they won't back down from any animal.

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shane24 on 7/8/2014 Reply  · 

The Wages of Fear is French. I know how you feel, that's how I used to think about foreign language films. It's quite possible you have a different opinion (you have every right to) but I think once you've seen a few, one gets used to reading the subtitles. It sometimes actually makes me focus more on the film, instead of thinking about something else for a while.

I checked it out. I think I want a shirt. ;)

I watched a doc on a honey badger last week. A porcupine had stolen the young badger's burrow, and she had to get it out. Quite an effort, those things are bloody intense! She drove it out, though. Pretty awesome creature.

I'll get back to you about the movies, bud. I'm going to sleep. :)

Oh, did you enjoy your trip? :)

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shane24 on 7/9/2014 Reply  · 

The trick is to read fast, then go back to watching. Takes some practice, but you get used to it. :)

I was the same with emotions in other languages. That comes with time as well. I'm glad I did, otherwise I would've missed a bunch of amazing films.

Nah, I only go to your other account when you tell me to. I'm not a stalker. :) You mentioned your trip just the other day to me in your last comment.

So, did you have a good time? You don't have to go into details if you don't want to. I'm just being nice here.

Well, I haven't seen Rock of Ages, so I cannot comment on that. The trailer looked pretty bad in my opinion.

Pitch Black was pretty awesome for it's time. But the special effects are starting to really show their age. Diesel is pretty good, much better than he is in other films.

Really enjoy Zombieland. Love the rules to survive, the cameo, and Woody Harrelson. :)

Did you watch True Detective?

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shane24 on 7/14/2014 Reply  · 

Oh cool. Sounds like a bloody good time. I've never been in a cabin. :D A hut, yes, a cabin, no. :)

What type of fish do you get in your area?

Chronicles of Riddick got so much backlash, that Riddick is pretty much a reboot of the series. I really enjoyed the start of Riddick, but was let down as the film progressed. It's a light 3.5/5 for me.

I wouldn't pick it over Shaun of the Dead personally, but it's close. :)

Yep, that's why I brought up True Detective. Plus I find it amazing. Like an eight hour movie. McConaughey just keeps amazing me with the turnaround in his career.

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shane24 on 7/15/2014 Reply  · 

Oh, what!! :D Oh well, more fish in the sea. ;)

Yeah, when I find out a film I like is critically hated, I'm surprised sometimes.

Good explanation for why you like Zombieland more.

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shane24 on 7/17/2014 Reply  · 

I assume those people wouldn't like the live action part of the end? Didn't bother me. I gave it a strong 4/5 on Letterboxd.

My car got backed into. :/

A guy got pushed at work. I wish I saw it, I would've sacked him. The managers talked to him, but nothing happened. The young guy is just learning, it's unacceptable to push him, or anyone. I hate bloody bullies.

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shane24 on 7/18/2014 Reply  · 

What's your opinion on The Black Cauldron? I know absolutely nothing about it.

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shane24 on 7/20/2014 Reply  · 

Have you don any other reviews on the other site you want me to check out? :)

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shane24 on 7/27/2014 Reply  · 

She missed the pillar by centremetres, so at least she didn't hit that. However, she put a huge dent into the back door. It'll cost $1993 to fix it. But we all saw it, and it'll go through insurance. I don't have to pay a thing. It'll just be an inconvenience to not have a car. Lucky I live in a very small town, and can get around easily without it.

Yeah, not on at all. The kid is a nice guy, too. I'm keeping him away from the bastard.

Okay, if it's not too much hassle. I don't need too much detail from your friend. Thanks mate, that's very nice of you to offer. :)

I am so excited for Guardians! It's getting great reviews! I hope it makes plenty of money so Marvel keeps taking risks with it's films.

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shane24 on 7/27/2014 Reply  · 

Nah, it's not going through my insurance. Even though they try and get mine involved, which I find quite shady.

I asked your friend.

It's not a risk for movie fans. But I'm just thinking of narrow minded people that just see a raccoon on the poster, then that's enough for them to be put off from the film. Hopefully it makes enough that it doesn't matter what those people think.

I kinda understood Diesel as Groot. Seems like they watched The Iron Giant (which Diesel voiced). :)

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shane24 on 7/30/2014 Reply  · 

Haha! Did I ruin The Iron Giant for you? :) Sorry!

Personally, with that voice, he suits characters like Groot and The Iron Giant. But in films with him actually in person, it doesn't sound right. I wonder if he a mouthful of marbles? ;)

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shane24 on 8/6/2014 Reply  · 

Isn't Cooper going for a New York accent?

I just think Diesel's voice is fine for the hulking characters with very little dialogue. he is actually a good choice for Guardians of the Galaxy and The Iron Giant.

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shane24 on 8/12/2014 Reply  · 

This is a comment I'm leaving for quite a few of you.

Please leave your comments over at Shane24comments2. My page constantly drops out when I try to load it. I have been unable to read comments 4901, and 4902. If that's you, please let me know. Hopefully this problem will be sorted out. I'll leave a message and hope that works.

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