Saltzman_Sees's User Profile


12/8/2012 joined Flickchart

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187 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes spent watching movies

Saltzman_Sees's Favorite Movies

The Shawshank Redemption 12 Angry Men The Godfather The Wizard of Oz On the Waterfront The Best Years of Our Lives It's a Wonderful Life Do the Right Thing Psycho Rocky

Saltzman_Sees's Recently Added Movies

American Fiction Inside Out 2 Remembering Gene Wilder Jim Henson: Idea Man Godzilla Minus One


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Comments (86)


Danielod on 10/31/2013 Reply  · 

Nice list, gotta love Shawshank! Let me know what you think of my top 10!

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Saltzman_Sees on 11/4/2013 Reply  · 

I haven't seen The Shining, but I have seen the rest of your top 10. I didn't like Aliens as much as the original. Die Hard and Back to the Future are two of my all-time favorite movies. I highly recommend your entire Top 10 you haven't seen list. I have seen all of them and they are all fantastic, especially The Godfather

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Danielod on 11/5/2013 Reply  · 

Thanks for the feedback! The Shining is a must see! You should really look into it soon, I think you would like it! So what did you think of the matrix? It's my favorite movie of all time, but it's not so high up on your list...

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Saltzman_Sees on 11/6/2013 Reply  · 

I really liked the Matrix. Definitely groundbreaking, and a very unique take on finding your place in the world. I think it's one of the 500 greatest films ever made (that I've seen, lol.) I've seen over 2,700 films

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Danielod on 11/7/2013 Reply  · 

Thats good to hear! Maybe when I have seen 2,700 films, The Matrix will be my 500 of all time! :)

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Saltzman_Sees on 11/7/2013 Reply  · 

You have some great films in your top 10 so I don't see it falling much since you love it. All of these lists are based on personal preference. Happy watching.

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JC13 on 11/26/2013 Reply  · 

M is on my watchlist. I've seen Seven Samurai and I wasn't overly impressed to be honest. It was good, but not great.

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Danielod on 12/2/2013 Reply  · 

I definitely respect your opinion about Blade Runner. There war many who feel that way. There aren't many people who are unsure whether they like it or not. Its more of a like it or don't film. I also noticed you haven't seen the Shining....................... YOU HAVE MY RECOMMENDATION!!! I loved it, you should definitely see it!

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Danielod on 12/4/2013 Reply  · 

Thats too bad, but you have to see it whenever you can!

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Saltzman_Sees on 12/27/2013 Reply  · 

The Shining came in the mail today! I'll let you know what I thought about it after I'm done.

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Danielod on 1/1/2014 Reply  · 

No problem! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I just rewatched 12 Angry Men and it moved up 20 spots! What a great movie!!!

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Danielod on 1/3/2014 Reply  · 

Hey, I just saw The Godfather today! It was awesome! I'm planning on re-watching it soon so I can track it a little better!

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Saltzman_Sees on 1/4/2014 Reply  · 

That's so cool that you loved both movies. They are two of my all-time favorites!

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saddler16 on 1/4/2014 Reply  · 

Thank's for accepting my friend request,it look's like our taste's are very similar!

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saddler16 on 1/7/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah,I really do have to see Shawshank and Godfather,I'll try to when l get the chance.2001:A Space Odyssey was the movie that made me think of movie making as more of an art than just entertainment,so that would probably be the main reason.Have you seen it?If so,what did you think of it?

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saddler16 on 1/8/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah,2001 is a movie most people either love or hate,but it's nice to know you still appreciated it.At least we agree on 12 Angry Men,Some Like it Hot,Psycho and The Best Year's of Our Live's!Are there any movie's you are really exited for coming out in 2014?

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Nononsense on 1/30/2014 Reply  · 

Dude, I absolutely love your lists!! I love that you have Waterfront, 12 Angry Men, Streetcar, Psycho, and Rear Window in your top 10. I'm ecstatic to see Waterfront and Streetcar on there as both routinely get overlooked by most people around here... especially Streetcar. I thought Brando was superb in both.

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/1/2014 Reply  · 

Waterfront is my father's favorite movie. Love Brando AND Cobb. Cobb in Waterfront and 12 Angry Men are two of the best performances I've ever seen. As good as Brando was in Streetcar, Vivien Leigh was unbelievable. I put her acting in Streetcar up with the best I've ever seen. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf is another one I was blown away by. I have a thing for powerful stage plays, LOL.

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saddler16 on 1/30/2014 Reply  · 

What I loved in Tree of Life was the cinematography,the acting and the questions Mallick raised and tried to answer.
If you're not into ''artsy-fartsy'' type films,you probably won't like it,but I would recommend watching the whole thing if you get the chance.

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/1/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks. I will record it off HBO. Felt a little like 2001 that first time I was watching it.

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saddler16 on 2/15/2014 Reply  · 

Hey,have you ever seen Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?If you have what are your thoughts on it?

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/16/2014 Reply  · 

The only play turned movie more powerful is A Streetcar Named Desire. The 4 actors are marvelous, especially Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. It's intense from the minute they show up on screen, and as the credits come at the end, you are completely worn out. Just a magnificent film. It must be even more magnificent on stage because of how raw it is.

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JC13 on 2/21/2014 Reply  · 

I'd love to give you some recommendations! I don't how many you wanted so I just went through your List of Shame and picked out some films I love. Here they are in no particular order.

First I'd recommend the following films from Stanley Kubrick:

Paths of Glory
Eyes Wide Shut
The Killing

From Sergio Leone:

Once Upon a Time in America
Duck, You Sucker

And here are a few others you should check out:

Ace in the Hole
Arsenic and Old Lace
After Hours
Foreign Correspondent
The Evil Dead Trilogy

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

Thank you very much. Can't wait to watch them and let you know what I think

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JC13 on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

You're welcome! I look forward to hearing what you think of them.

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saddler16 on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

Here are some from your List of Shame I think you should check out:

Paths of Glory
Days of Heaven
The Killing
Tokyo Story

Sorry,I had a hard time coming up with any more because you've seen so many great films!

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks! I'll definitely check them out

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TheHonestFilmFan on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

Yeah, I suppose the ending would have had more power back in the day. Are there any other Chaplin films I should check out? I saw a clip of his speech at the end of The Great Dictator and wow. That's something.

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

City Lights is my favorite, but The Gold Rush, The Great Dictator, The Kid and Modern Times are the other ones I've seen that I love. He has some fun short films as well like The Immigrant, The Tramp, The Champion etc...

The scene you've seen in The Great Dictator was his 1st "talkie" so he wanted to say something worth hearing. So amazing.

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Danielod on 2/22/2014 Reply  · 

I would check out The Killing next... Also, I would love for you to recommend movies for me. :)

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Linzeda on 2/23/2014 Reply  · 

Hello. :D Nice top ten. I see you are very familiar with the classics.

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/23/2014 Reply  · 

Enjoying TCM 31 Days of Oscar this month. Lots of new classics on my DVR. Just saw another great Classic, Dodsworth. Very good film. What are some of your favorite classics?

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Linzeda on 2/24/2014 Reply  · 

Well, when it comes to the classics, there's a lot left for me to see. But, so far I love "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," "To Kill a Mockingbird, " "House on Haunted Hill," "Psycho," and many episodes of "The Twilight Zone," to name a few.

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Saltzman_Sees on 2/25/2014 Reply  · 

Loved To Kill a Mockingbird and Psycho and also really enjoyed House of Haunted Hill

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Linzeda on 2/25/2014 Reply  · 

They're good ones! :D

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Caesar on 3/1/2014 Reply  · 

I found Shutter Island to be just okay. I didn't have any big problem with the movie - it just left me rather unimpressed.

I love Scorsese, but only when he stays within his comfort zone (The Departed, GoodFellas, Casino). When he branches out into other genres (Shutter Island, Hugo, The Last Temptation of Christ), the results leave me a bit cold.

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/2/2014 Reply  · 

No worries. I thought Leo and Kingsley and Patricia Clarkson were fantastic in it. I watched it a 2nd time and loved it much more the 2nd viewing

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Linzeda on 3/7/2014 Reply  · 

--I've never seen 1408. Why would you recommend it?

WHY would I recommend it? Well, first of all, it's good to note that I might look for different things in a horror/thriller than most people. So, your expectations might be different than what I had, when viewing it for the first time (In a nutshell, you might not like it the same way I do). I don't like legitimately getting scared when watching a movie, but I do love the adrenaline rush of a good thriller.

However, I do not think that is only what makes this movie one of my favorites, at all. Without giving too much away, I always admire how they managed to make a story that is, for the most part, set inside a HOTEL ROOM--a small area--so intriguing. As you may know, people only survive in the room for an hour. So, essentially, the main character has an hour before he goes nuts. To me, that's an admirable challenge for a filmmaker and the actor. So, watching the main character react to all of the increasingly bizarre things around him, and seeing him respond in what I think, is in a realistic way, is refreshing! (However, I do have one beef with one thing that he does WAY later than he should have) I mean, aren't we frustratingly used to stupid characters put in stupid situations, when it comes to horror films? It's nice to have a smart character. Not to toot its horn TOO much, but the whole thing was like Hitchcock--inspired material mixed with an episode of The Twilight Zone. In other words, a lot of fun, I'd say. I think it's one of the best Stephen King thrillers brought to life.

Anyways, that's what I think. I hope that answers your question haha :P

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/8/2014 Reply  · 

appreciate the assessment. I haven't seen it, but love Stephen King adaptations and hadn't seen it in too many people's top 10s

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Linzeda on 3/9/2014 Reply  · 

Well, when you do wind up trying it out, you should let me know what you thought of it! :D

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Danielod on 3/8/2014 Reply  · 

I thought Inside Man was pretty good, I didn't love it, but it kept me entertained.

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J814 on 3/13/2014 Reply  · 

Hey, mate sorry I didn't add you sooner I wasn't on flick chart for a while :]
Nice top 10, I plan on watching 12 angry men.

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/13/2014 Reply  · 

No worries at all man. Thanks for the add. Any movies on my list of shame that you recommend?

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J814 on 3/14/2014 Reply  · 

What makes The Wanderers so good.
Memorable moments, great characters, fantastic soundtrack funny moments, dramatic moments interesting dialogue, hot girls ,action , gangs and the fact I have seen this film a 100 times. And also a cool jacket.
The same reason why people like Pulp Fiction.
A Cult classic and one of the greats, you really should watch this film.

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/14/2014 Reply  · 

Your explanation sounded like Peter Falk explaining to Fred Savage why Princess Bride was worth listening to. I'm in.

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J814 on 3/14/2014 Reply  · 

Ha, tell me when you watch it :]
Any films you recommend ?

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JC13 on 3/15/2014 Reply  · 

I watched Ikiru last night. I loved the first half, but the second half left me a bit disappointed. Still a very good film though. It is my least favorite of the five Kurosawa films I've seen so far.

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/16/2014 Reply  · 

I thought it was a beautiful ending, but it certainly is sad, and looks at government and business as spineless. I thought it was a perfect look at the beauty of fighting for something you believe in and how hard it has become to be a fighter in the modern era. Glad you did like it and glad you have enjoyed so many Kurosawa films

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JC13 on 3/16/2014 Reply  · 

Oh I agree, the ending is fantastic. My next Kurosawa will probably be Sanjuro.

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/16/2014 Reply  · 

Sanjuro is fun. It's the sequel to Yojimbo, which is better. Still worth your time

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J814 on 3/16/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks for the tip.
The Castle is a great movie eh.
I was looking through your list of shame and see you haven't seen Life of Brian!
You have to watch tat one of the best comedies ever made.

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J814 on 3/16/2014 Reply  · 

Sorry I meant that. :]

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Linzeda on 3/22/2014 Reply  · 

You watched 1408? I'm so glad! :D Well, I felt like he took too long to call the cops, is all. That'd be one of the first things I'd do in that situation, anyways. :P
Um, I'm not sure what you mean by "Samuel L. Jackson getting freaked out at the end." Did you watch some kind of directors cut or something? Or an alternate ending that I am unfamiliar with? The only thing I can think of that you'd possibly be referring to is the 'fridge' scene, but I know that can't be it. :D

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Saltzman_Sees on 3/23/2014 Reply  · 

Maybe I did see an extended edition. I think my wife and I figured out what it meant, but if you haven't seen it, I won't spoil it for you

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Danielod on 3/26/2014 Reply  · 

No problem :) Glad you liked it! :)

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cheesydog1 on 4/19/2014 Reply  · 

psycho is awsome

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saddler16 on 8/30/2014 Reply  · 

Do you think I would like On the Waterfront?

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Saltzman_Sees on 9/1/2014 Reply  · 

I think you will love On the Waterfront.

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saddler16 on 9/1/2014 Reply  · 

I'll try to see Ikiru soon, and I'll be sure to let ya' know what I think of On the Waterfront :)

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Saltzman_Sees on 9/2/2014 Reply  · 

Any recommendations for me?

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saddler16 on 9/3/2014 Reply  · 

One film on your List of Shame that I just saw a few days ago and loved is Rio Bravo.That would be my highest recommendation for you.Another great film is Tokyo Story,you should check that out.

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Saltzman_Sees on 9/4/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks man. Have both of those high on my Netflix. I'll bump them up.

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saddler16 on 9/4/2014 Reply  · 

Let me know what you think when you get a chance to see them :)

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Nononsense on 9/24/2014 Reply  · 

Hey man, I'm conducting somewhat of a survey with what I perceive to be the diehard movie fans on this site.. How long has your #1 movie been your absolute favorite? And do you think it will ever change? How loyal and/or biased are you to that movie? Also, the same questions apply for your top 5 as well as your top 10. Are they pretty much edged in stone on your chart or have your top 5 and/or top 10 changed over the past few years?

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Saltzman_Sees on 9/26/2014 Reply  · 

For the longest time, I had Coming to America as my #1 because it's my favorite movie. Once I got on here though, I decided my list should be more complete than simply my favorites, like Field of Dreams, Back to the Future, etc... Shawshank Redemption is my #1, and I don't think I'll ever see a movie better. 12 Angry Men is also pretty entrenched at #2. Godfather I had n my top 20 and then I watched it again this year and bumped it to #3. I was so impressed the 2nd time I saw it. I saw so much more I loved about the film and realized how great it truly was. That proves however that my list could change from films I haven't seen as well as films I watch again. Oz is 4th for me and I don't see it moving anytime soon. So my top 4 is pretty solid now. Especially my top 3 which I think are the only perfect movies ever made. On the Waterfront is 5th for me, and I bumped it up like Godfather after watching it again. Streetcar I watched about a year or so ago and was so amazed by it, I had to put it 6th. Some Like it Hot is the best comedy I have ever seen, so I expect it to stay in my top 10 forever. Psycho and Rear Window are the two Hitchcock movies I think are head and shoulders above the rest. Psycho I don't see leaving my top 10, but I could see a movie someday bumping Rear Window from the 10 spot. The Best Years of Our Lives is such an incredible movie and now everyone knows it as well as the rest of the films in my top 10, so I see myself leaving it in my top 10 so it can standout on my list. I could watch it all the time.

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Wade92 on 9/30/2014 Reply  · 

What did you think of Prisoners?

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/2/2014 Reply  · 

Enjoyed the direction and the cinematography. Such a difficult subject matter, but I enjoyed how everything came together and every scene mattered and each character was more complicated than we originally thought.

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Wade92 on 10/3/2014 Reply  · 

I completely agree with you. I thought the film was very well done and it looks fantastic. The cast does an amazing job and the story is so gripping. I love the movie but it makes me worried about having kids someday haha

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/3/2014 Reply  · 

I think it does an amazing job at looking at the subject matter of kidnappings and of psychological problems. You go from wanting Paul Dano tortured to not knowing what you want. You can't 100% agree or disagree with any character's decision

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Wade92 on 10/5/2014 Reply  · 

I definitely agree. It's a movie that really keeps you involved as a viewer and takes a little bit to wrap your head around the whole thing.

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Wade92 on 10/8/2014 Reply  · 

The Place Beyond the Pines is an excellent film. It's a film that just keeps getting better each time I watch it. It's such a great drama that explores how the choices of fathers can go on to impact the lives of their sons. It's a really well told story that is in a way haunting. Some people say it's "too boring" since it's not what they expect but i completely disagree. The best way I could describe the film is that it's like a book in that there are three different sections or chapters that all tell one linear story. If you like good dramas that are a little more character driven I recommend checking it out if you get the chance.

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/9/2014 Reply  · 

Haven't seen that's out or coming out
1. Foxcatcher
2. Boyhood
3. Whiplash
4. The Imitation Game
5. Theory of Everything
6. Unbroken
7. Rosewater
8. Gone Girl
9. Birdman
10. Love is Strange
11. Nightcrawler
12. The Judge
13. Big Hero 6
14. St. Vincent
15. Still Alice

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/13/2014 Reply  · 

Haven't seen that's out or coming out
1. Foxcatcher
2. Boyhood
3. Whiplash
4. The Imitation Game
5. Theory of Everything
6. Unbroken
7. Rosewater
9. Birdman
10. Love is Strange
11. Nightcrawler
12. The Judge
13. Big Hero 6
14. St. Vincent
15. Still Alice

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Danielod on 10/18/2014 Reply  · 

Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite movie trilogy and what is your favorite movie from that trilogy?

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/20/2014 Reply  · 

15 Movies I'm most looking forward to:
1. Foxcatcher
2. Boyhood
3. Whiplash
4. The Imitation Game
5. Theory of Everything
6. Unbroken
7. Rosewater
8. Birdman
9. Love is Strange
10. Nightcrawler
11. Big Hero 6
12. St. Vincent
13. Still Alice
14. Kill the Messenger
15. The Skeleton Twins

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Nononsense on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

Thank you for your reply to my earlier question(s) about your favorite film and your top ten. I asked this question to various people because I've battled with replacing my #1 film for over a year now. I saw Casablanca for the first time in 1999 I think. It left a profound impression on me. It soon became my favorite film as I would routinely revisit it. So, for roughly 15 years, Casablanca has been my favorite film. I've had some really good times with it as well. I first saw it when I was in the military. I just relate to so much of the film. Oddly enough, I relate to both Victor Laszlo AND Rick Blaine!! Victor for the military lifestyle that requires you to be away from the love of your life, and Rick for the duality of choosing between someone you love and doing the right thing. So many themes strike all the right chords with me.

Fast-forward the time to 2013. I saw Vertigo for the first time ever. It blew me away more than any film I had ever seen. Everything about it was brilliant. And the more I watched it, I began to develop an obsession for it. I've never watched a film so many times in such a short span. I watched Vertigo more than ten times in a month. It just drew me in. I wanted to put it as my #1 film, but I didn't want to make a decision based on a knee-jerk reaction. So, I gave it time to see if my affinity for it would lessen. I even forced myself to stop watching it so much. Well, a few weeks ago, I showed it to some friends and family. I discovered that my affection for this film hadn't changed a bit. So now comes the hard part. I almost feel like I'm cheating on Casablanca if I put Vertigo #1. To answer my own question, I'm very loyal to my favorite film of all time. But I think the time has come for me to be true to my chart and put Vertigo at #1.

I've seen Casablanca recently and I still love it as much as I did when I first watched it. But I think I enjoy Vertigo from start to finish a little more than I love Casablanca from start to finish.

I know I'm probably taking this way too serious, but watching movies is one of my favorite pass times. What do you think? Have you ever had this dilemma?

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

Pretty much every week. My favorite button on Flickchart, even more than Add to Flickchart is Re-Rank this movie.

My favorite movie of all-time is Coming to Amerca. However, when you are talking about the best film I have ever seen and the one I would recommend first is Shawshank. I don't ever expect to see a better film.

However, I can't wait to see a movie that comes close. Movies like 12 Years a Slave, King's Speech and War Horse are all in my top 100. Crash, however, is only film in the last decade that is in my top 20.

I did add M to my top 20 which I just recently saw, as well as African Queen & A Streetcar Named Desire. I also re-watched The Godfather and bumped it to #3.

Shawshank, 12 Angry Men, Wizard of Oz, On the Waterfront, Some Like it Hot, Pyscho, Best Years of our Lives, Rear Window, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, Philadelphia, Braveheart, Schindler's List, and E.T. are movies I've loved for so long.

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Saltzman_Sees on 10/27/2014 Reply  · 

15 Movies I'm most looking forward to:
1. Foxcatcher
2. Boyhood
4. The Imitation Game
5. Theory of Everything
6. Unbroken
7. Rosewater
9. Birdman
10. Love is Strange
11. Nightcrawler
13. Big Hero 6
14. St. Vincent

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MaritimeAviator on 10/28/2014 Reply  · 

Thanks for the add! I think I'm in love with your Top Ten. Great films! I see you've also seen Fury, how was it? I tend to be a little harder on war movies, as I hold them to a higher standard, but it looks good. Curious.

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saddler16 on 10/29/2014 Reply  · 

There's not much I don't love about 2001.Its definitely one of the most well-directed films I've seen,the acting,camerawork and cinematography are excellent,and I love how it doesn't tell you exactly what's going on at the end,you have to interpret it yourself.I will admit that because of its pace,it's not a film I could watch every day,but I'm always glad when I get a chance to see it.
Anything in particular you didn't like about it,or did you just think it was boring?

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Nononsense on 10/30/2014 Reply  · 

I love 2001 because I've never seen anything like it. Totally unique. I love it because it really made me think about the world in which we live. I've always been fascinated with thoughts and ideas of the origin, purpose, and fate of humanity. 2001 explores these themes far better than any film I've ever seen. The beginning scene with the apes is just so earthy and thematic. So many sociological themes to observe: Instinct, survival, family (pack) togetherness, outer space intervention, knowledge, evolution, genesis of war, etc.

Perhaps what I love most about 2001 is its ability to reconcile science and religion... evolution and intelligent design. The Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite sequence is just jaw-dropping. The final scenes where Dave sees himself aging can forever be dissected and you'll always find new ways of interpreting it.

Last but not least, the score was just spot-on beautiful! Really, Vertigo, 2001, and GBU have the best scores these ears have ever heard.

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saddler16 on 10/30/2014 Reply  · 

The first part fits with the rest of the film because that's when humans first learn to use tools,but only after the monolith shows them.
I think the acting was meant to feel kind of flat,to show how far humans have declined and become just like their tools,while HAL,the most human character in the film,is a computer.
Depending on who you are,there are many different ways you can interpret it but,to me,it's about mans quest to find God.The first monolith triggered the evolution of the human race,and the second was placed on the moon to show man where he could find God,or aliens,or whatever you want him to find.Once he gets there he is transformed into a god and goes back to earth to share it with the rest of humanity.

Did that clear anything up? Any more questions you have?

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Danielod on 10/31/2014 Reply  · 

2001 is an experience. It's a film that grows on you the more time you watch it because you can't quite grasp the complexity of the film in just one viewing or even two. Just like Nonsense said, it is completely unique and there is nothing like it. I really enjoy it because it makes me think. I like movies like that because it has a lasting affect on me. I think it is possibly the most intelligent movies ever made and I love the way Kubrick displays the story of man in this film. I ale love the music in this film... just classic. :)

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Nononsense on 2/20/2015 Reply  · 

Exactly. People usually either love it or hate it. Not much in between with this film. If your love for movies is limited to a traditional plot, a clear protagonist & antagonist (good guy and bad guy), great acting, and heavy dialogue, then you probably will hate 2001. Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate great plots, acting, and dialogue, but my affinity for film isn't exclusive to those things. 2001 transcends plots, acting, and dialogue. Its scope, scale, and breadth will never be topped... never! It tackles the most important questions and issues in the history of mankind. Detractors call it pretentious while I call it ambitious. And all of this is done with some of the best cinematography and one of the best musical scores you'll ever encounter. 2001 impacted me probably more than any film has ever done. I'm quite certain I'll remember this film 50 years from now. If I were to think of a film on my deathbed, it'd probably be 2001.

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movieman97 on 11/2/2014 Reply  · 

Nice list man. i looked at our list combined, we kinda have some common opinions. keep it up.

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