Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban vs. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets



Interesting one but Azakban wins hands down for me as CuarĂ³n delivered a far more superior gritty and dark adaptation.

The increase in quality from Columbus to Cuaron was staggering.

Showing what a new and better director can do with the same material. Though some of the difference can be laid at the feet of improving child actors.

Cauron is the only director that has been able to transition the books into an interesting, yet believable narrative.

@rotogar: Actually, while on the whole the cast does improve, Azkaban has at least a couple of scenes where Daniel Radcliffe's acting is grating to me.

Alfonso Cuaron is basically responsible for the current Harry Potter movies reaching the same level of quality as the books. Such a great spin on what Columbus proved could be a dull adaptation.

Azkaban, hands down.

I think HP went downhill. So, for me, it's Chamber Of Secrets. Plus, it had Richard Harris.

I'm not a fan of the HP movies at all, and if Flickchart was to have a filter for adaptions my list would show that. Not that I hate them as movies, they are entertaining, for the most part, and I don't feel like I've wasted my money. Now, CoS had Harris but PoA had Cuaron. Regardless of his direction, I was very put off at how greatly changed the sets were from the first two films to the third, especially that stupid swinging clock pendulum right i9n the entrance hall. I think I'm going with CoS.


Azkaban. No second guessing here.

The first two HP movies were sort of bland and cheap-looking. I can see why purists have issues with Azkaban, but as a FILM, it's head and shoulders above Chamber (and Sorcerer's Stone too).

CoS is a good movie, but PoA is much better . Cuaron is the best harry potter director . If he was director of the HBP, it would be one of the best films of the decade .

Chamber of secrets. Prisoner of Azkaban is my least favorite of the series (but I still like it). Chamber is actually my favorite by the way.

I'm the exact opposite of the previous poster: now that I've read all the books and seen all the movies, I'd say that I consider CoS the worst of the films (and of the original novels, too, as a matter of fact) whereas PoA was never topped, except perhaps by DH1.

Easy. Easy. Easy. POA towers above COS.

Definitely the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Prisoner of Azkaban was great, whereas Chamber of Secrets was merely so-so.

POA...but they are both inferior to Deathly Hollows...

Chamber of Secrets is not only my favourite of the books, but it's also my favourite of the earlier movies, so it beats PoA.

Prisoner of Azkaban takes down Chamber of Secrets

Prisoner of Azkaban was the best film of the series. I find it interesting how Chamber of Secrets' two votes are from people who aren't really fans of the series.

^So? I'm not a big fan either, although I do like most of them for different reasons. PoA is great, but Chamber of Secrets was a VHS favorite of mine and I rewatched it the most of all the films. Either way, I'm happy.

Like MysticSpoon, I probably rewatched CoS the most out of all of them, but I regard it as one of my least favourite of the series (if not THE). The change in setting of Azkaban took a little bit of getting used to initially, but this vision of Hogwarts is probably the one which I have come to accept despite the Columbus version being the more nostalgic. Overall, Azkaban wins for being visually interesting, featuring improved performances from the younger cast members, taking more risks, having a better overarching narrative than the episodic nature of the first two (to be fair, most of the films were episodic right up until the last two, but Azkaban flowed a lot better and there were fewer scenes which felt completely redundant) and setting the tone for the rest of the series after two very identical, bland and boring first entries.

Cuaron beats Columbus.

CoS is too faithful to the book and too child-oriented. PoA has interesting dark touch and way better than CoS.

HP is unwatchable to me now, I guess I have to pick between a crap and turd


prefer azkaban


Although I find Azkaban a little overrated, it is miles better than Chamber, which, despite some great scenes in the last third, is far too long, child-oriented and faithful to the book - which in itself was the least substantial in the series. Azkaban, meanwhile, is dark, artistic and focused story mostly about Harry and his fears, insecurities and isolation (although OOTP did this slightly better I feel), as well as featuring the first appearances of Sirius and Lupin, two of my favourite HP characters. It's far, far from my favourite of the series, but it easily wins. Azakban - 8/10 Chamber - 5.5/10

Azkaban is easily the best out of the first 3 HPs, and IMO the best after DH Part 2

Chamber of Secrets here. Funny how no one has commented in 5000 days...

Prisoner of Azkaban is trillion times better than that boring Chamber of Secrets. Prisoner of Azkaban has much better music and far better acting. Chambers sucks.

So I found the chamber of secrets good but it's not up to the level of the previous film because the bad Tom Riddler was a really bad bad guy since he doesn't do anything to stop Harry and then he is defeated in a way that I really don't understand true You are the weak point is the bookbecause he doesn't take it straight away then you'll end up in trouble looking for the prisoners of Azkaban instead for me I really found one of the best chapters of the Saga because the character of see you black was very beautiful and the theme of the Journey was also very interesting in time for me oneof the best chapters of the Saga