Life of Pi vs. Pi



Is this a set up? To get Life of Pi vs Pi, on 3/14. Seems a little too convenient to be coincidental... kind of funny either way. Mind blowing if it is a coincidence.

It's Pi Day. You know how these guys like to celebrate. I've never seen two such great films as the match-up though.

Lol, good one Flickchart. Haven't seen Pi, but have seen Life of Pi, which I really enjoyed, despite some of the retrospective backlash against it. Need to rewatch it though, and get round to watching the other at some point.

Pi is a fantastic film. Life of Pi is one of the great films of all-time.

Heheheh. Happy Pi day, y'all.

Haven't seen either. Nice touch though.

Happy pi day! Tigers > power tools.

It may seem bizarre to compare these two films, but each has an intense love for the grand structure of the universe and contemplating not so much how the universe is structured (a task perhaps asked by films like The Exorcist, or others like The Matrix) but how the individual should approach the inexplainable. Life of Pi is a story about belief in the story; Pi is a story explaining why our beliefs in the stories we tell might be important to fracture, otherwise sending us tumbling down the specifics of stories we're not meant to analyze.