WALL·E vs. Fantastic Mr. Fox



This isn't even close. Wall-E is one of the most overrated films of all time. Fantastic Mr. Fox is a great film. I have to say it's one of my favorites from Wes Anderson's catalog.

These movie don't even compare. I really do love Fantastic Mr. Fox, for it's quirky humor and fantastic visuals, but the incredible story that Wall-E possesses (as well as a plethora of amusing characters) make Wall-E a true masterpiece.

Two very different films that oddly enough have a similar message, whether that message is subliminal (with Fox) or thrown in your face (with WALL-E). WALL-E has been criticized for this, and while I for one don't bash the film for this, I will still give this to Fantastic Mr. Fox. If you watch both of these the same amount of times, Fox will probably grow on you more. Plus WALL-E's style is that of many other a good film while Wes Anderson brings his own flare to Fox, and it's beautiful, and it's brilliant, and it's funny, clever, and profound all at once. WALL-E pulled off this ensemble as well, as Pixar does love so much to do, but I'd say they were a tad less effective.

Mr. Fox.

I would love people to try to explain to me how Fantastic Mr. Fox is a good film. I thought it was disturbing and misguided. Somebody convince me to see it again, because this matchup is not even close for me. WALL-E is a beautiful love story wrapped in a social statement of our future as a society and as a planet. Remarkable for a children's film. That also might be why I have a real hard time with Fox, is I wouldn't dare show it to children.

Fantastic Mr. Fox continues one of the most entertaining fims for me...the script is great.... and not to mention the animation is well done and creative....Fantastic Mr. Fox in my opinion does a better job at being a relateable/emotional movie ....WALL-E is a film i enjoy but it really doesnt compare to Wes Anderson's Mr.Fox .....

wall-e is way better

Fantastic Mr. Fox for me. Much more creative and entertaining.

WALL*E easly

Wlall*E is way better made in animation while the Stop Motion is underutilized and fantastic the characters, setting and world is not all that well developed Wall-E is fun sweet and had the right amount of Humor While Fantastic Fox is an adult Film with some light hearted messages its still a film for more mature and smarter people! but overall WALL-E takes this slightly!

WALL•E even over The Grand Budapest Hotel, his masterpiece.

Wall-E edges out the Fox, but great stuff all around...

The animation in Fantastic Mr. Fox is incredible, the stop motion animation is sublime and every technical aspect of this movie works really well. WALL-E is a better movie though, it connected to me emotionally on a level that Mr. Fox just couldn't reach.

I like Fantastic Mr. Fox's style, it lead me to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel which was better but this is still a pretty good movie. But it can never beat WALL-E for being my favorite film so it wins for me here.

Wall-E. I'm not a Wes Anderson fan and as much as I love the incredible work put into the stop motion, FMF still has his quirkiness that I find really off putting. Wall-E is a clear winner, I'm not that into the second half of the movie but the first half is just beautiful.